Definition of navel

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Navel (n.) A mark or depression in the middle of the abdomen; the umbilicus. See Umbilicus.

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Omphalocele :: Omphalocele (n.) A hernia at the navel.
Umbilic :: Umbilic (n.) The navel; the center.
Nave :: Nave (n.) The navel.
Navel :: Navel (n.) A mark or depression in the middle of the abdomen; the umbilicus. See Umbilicus.
Musk :: Musk (n.) A substance of a reddish brown color, and when fresh of the consistence of honey, obtained from a bag being behind the navel of the male musk deer. It has a slightly bitter taste, but is specially remarkable for its powerful and enduring odor. It is used in medicine as a stimulant antispasmodic. The term is also applied to secretions of various other animals, having a similar odor..
Omphalos :: Omphalos (n.) The navel.
Omphalo- :: Omphalo- () A combining form indicating connection with, or relation to, the umbilicus, or navel..
Omphalotomy :: Omphalotomy (n.) The operation of dividing the navel-string.
Umbilicated :: Umbilicated (a.) Depressed in the middle, like a navel, as a flower, fruit, or leaf; navel-shaped; having an umbilicus; as, an umbilicated smallpox vesicle..
Omphalomancy :: Omphalomancy (n.) Divination by means of a child's navel, to learn how many children the mother may have..
Navel :: Navel (n.) The central part or point of anything; the middle.
Nombril :: Nombril (n.) A point halfway between the fess point and the middle base point of an escutcheon; -- called also navel point. See Escutcheon.
Umbilication :: Umbilication (n.) A slight, navel-like depression, or dimpling, of the center of a rounded body; as, the umbilication of a smallpox vesicle; also, the condition of being umbilicated..
Navel :: Navel (n.) An eye on the under side of a carronade for securing it to a carriage.
Omphalic :: Omphalic (a.) Of or pertaining to the umbilicus, or navel..
Funis :: Funis (n.) A cord; specifically, the umbilical cord or navel string..
Omphalopsychite :: Omphalopsychite (n.) A name of the Hesychasts, from their habit of gazing upon the navel..
Navelwort :: Navelwort (n.) A European perennial succulent herb (Cotyledon umbilicus), having round, peltate leaves with a central depression; -- also called pennywort, and kidneywort..
Umbilicus :: Umbilicus (n.) The depression, or mark, in the median line of the abdomen, which indicates the point where the umbilical cord separated from the fetus; the navel..
Kidneywort :: Kidneywort (n.) The navelwort.
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