Definition of nascent

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Nascent (a.) Evolving; being evolved or produced.

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Xylogen :: Xylogen (n.) Nascent wood; wood cells in a forming state.
Enascent :: Enascent (a.) Coming into being; nascent.
Dermatogen :: Dermatogen (n.) Nascent epidermis, or external cuticle of plants in a forming condition..
Nascency :: Nascency (n.) State of being nascent; birth; beginning; origin.
Renascent :: Renascent (a.) Springing or rising again into being; being born again, or reproduced..
Renascent :: Renascent (a.) See Renaissant.
Adnascent :: Adnascent (a.) Growing to or on something else.
Nascent :: Nascent (a.) Commencing, or in process of development; beginning to exist or to grow; coming into being; as, a nascent germ..
Renascence :: Renascence (n.) The state of being renascent.
Stibious :: Stibine (n.) Antimony hydride, or hydrogen antimonide, a colorless gas produced by the action of nascent hydrogen on antimony. It has a characteristic odor and burns with a characteristic greenish flame. Formerly called also antimoniureted hydrogen..
Renascency :: Renascency (n.) State of being renascent.
Periblem :: Periblem (n.) Nascent cortex, or immature cellular bark..
Dermatogen :: Dermatogen (n.) Nascent epidermis, or external cuticle of plants in a forming condition..
Nascent :: Nascent (a.) Evolving; being evolved or produced.
Deoxidizer :: Deoxidizer (n.) That which removes oxygen; hence, a reducing agent; as, nascent hydrogen is a deoxidizer..
Connascent :: Connascent (a.) Born together; produced at the same time.
Subnect :: Subnascent (a.) Growing underneath.
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