Definition of mythic

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Mythic (a.) Alt. of Mythica.

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Mythical :: Mythical (a.) Of or relating to myths; described in a myth; of the nature of a myth; fabulous; imaginary; fanciful.
Mythic :: Mythic (a.) Alt. of Mythica.
Kami :: Kami (n. pl.) A title given to the celestial gods of the first mythical dynasty of Japan and extended to the demigods of the second dynasty, and then to the long line of spiritual princes still represented by the mikado..
Apocryphally :: Apocryphally (adv.) In an apocryphal manner; mythically; not indisputably.
Ogygian :: Ogygian (a.) Of or pertaining to Ogyges, a mythical king of ancient Attica, or to a great deluge in Attica in his days; hence, primeval; of obscure antiquity..
Andromeda :: Andromeda (n.) A northern constellation, supposed to represent the mythical Andromeda..
Orpheus :: Orpheus (n.) The famous mythic Thracian poet, son of the Muse Calliope, and husband of Eurydice. He is reputed to have had power to entrance beasts and inanimate objects by the music of his lyre..
Aeolian :: Aeolian (a.) Pertaining to Aeolus, the mythic god of the winds; pertaining to, or produced by, the wind; aerial..
Mythopoeic :: Mythopoeic (a.) Making or producing myths; giving rise to mythical narratives.
Mithic :: Mithic (a.) See Mythic.
Mythopoetic :: Mythopoetic (a.) Making or producing myths or mythical tales.
Sandman :: Sandman (n.) A mythical person who makes children sleepy, so that they rub their eyes as if there were sand in them..
Saga :: Saga (n.) A Scandinavian legend, or heroic or mythic tradition, among the Norsemen and kindred people; a northern European popular historical or religious tale of olden time..
Earthdrake :: Earthdrake (n.) A mythical monster of the early Anglo-Saxon literature; a dragon.
Excalibur :: Excalibur (n.) The name of King Arthur's mythical sword.
Apocryphal :: Apocryphal (a.) Not canonical. Hence: Of doubtful authority; equivocal; mythic; fictitious; spurious; false.
Elops :: Elops (n.) A mythical serpent.
Mask :: Mask (n.) A dramatic performance, formerly in vogue, in which the actors wore masks and represented mythical or allegorical characters..
Crocodile :: Crocodile (n.) A fallacious dilemma, mythically supposed to have been first used by a crocodile..
Orphean :: Orphean (a.) Of or pertaining to Orpheus, the mythic poet and musician; as, Orphean strains..
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