Definition of muscle

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Muscle (n.) See Mussel.

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Cramp :: Cramp (n.) A spasmodic and painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, as of the leg..
Origin :: Origin (n.) The point of attachment or end of a muscle which is fixed during contraction; -- in contradistinction to insertion.
Swept :: Sweeny (n.) An atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder in horses; also, atrophy of any muscle in horses..
Synergism :: Synergetic (a.) Working together; cooperating; as, synergetic muscles..
Thewy :: Thewy (a.) Having strong or large thews or muscles; muscular; sinewy; strong.
Myohaematin :: Myohaematin (n.) A red-colored respiratory pigment found associated with hemoglobin in the muscle tissue of a large number of animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate..
Encystment :: Encystment (n.) A process by which many internal parasites, esp. in their larval states, become inclosed within a cyst in the muscles, liver, etc. See Trichina..
Mobility :: Mobility (n.) The quality or state of being mobile; as, the mobility of a liquid, of an army, of the populace, of features, of a muscle..
Oligomyold :: Oligomyold (a.) Having few or imperfect syringeal muscles; -- said of some passerine birds (Oligomyodi).
Tetanus :: Tetanus (n.) That condition of a muscle in which it is in a state of continued vibratory contraction, as when stimulated by a series of induction shocks..
Relax :: Relax (n.) To make lax or loose; to make less close, firm, rigid, tense, or the like; to slacken; to loosen; to open; as, to relax a rope or cord; to relax the muscles or sinews..
Hamstring :: Hamstring (n.) One of the great tendons situated in each side of the ham, or space back of the knee, and connected with the muscles of the back of the thigh..
Geniohyoid :: Geniohyoid (a.) Of or pertaining to the chin and hyoid bone; as, the geniohyoid muscle..
Mytilotoxine :: Mytilotoxine (n.) A poisonous base (leucomaine) found in the common mussel. It either causes paralysis of the muscles, or gives rise to convulsions, including death by an accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood..
Brawn :: Brawn (n.) A muscle; flesh.
Dilatator :: Dilatator (n.) A muscle which dilates any part; a dilator.
Abductor :: Abductor (n.) A muscle which serves to draw a part out, or form the median line of the body; as, the abductor oculi, which draws the eye outward..
Myo- :: Myo- () A combining form of Gr. /, /, a muscle; as, myograph, myochrome..
Expiratory :: Expiratory (a.) Pertaining to, or employed in, the expiration or emission of air from the lungs; as, the expiratory muscles..
Emprosthotonos :: Emprosthotonos (n.) A drawing of the body forward, in consequence of the spasmodic action of some of the muscles..
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