Definition of accept

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Accept (v. t.) To receive as obligatory and promise to pay; as, to accept a bill of exchange..

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Cerebralist :: Cerebralist (n.) One who accepts cerebralism.
Pass :: Pass (v. i.) To go through any inspection or test successfully; to be approved or accepted; as, he attempted the examination, but did not expect to pass..
Accepter :: Accepter (n.) A respecter; a viewer with partiality.
Currency :: Currency (n.) The state or quality of being current; general acceptance or reception; a passing from person to person, or from hand to hand; circulation; as, a report has had a long or general currency; the currency of bank notes..
Palatableness :: Palatableness (n.) The quality or state of being agreeable to the taste; relish; acceptableness.
Secularist :: Secularist (n.) One who theoretically rejects every form of religious faith, and every kind of religious worship, and accepts only the facts and influences which are derived from the present life; also, one who believes that education and other matters of civil policy should be managed without the introduction of a religious element..
Disclaim :: Disclaim (v. t.) To relinquish or deny having a claim; to disavow another's claim; to decline accepting, as an estate, interest, or office..
Acceptance :: Acceptance (n.) The act of accepting; a receiving what is offered, with approbation, satisfaction, or acquiescence; esp., favorable reception; approval; as, the acceptance of a gift, office, doctrine, etc..
Acceptability :: Acceptability (n.) The quality of being acceptable; acceptableness.
Judaizer :: "Judaizer (n.) One who conforms to or inculcates Judaism; specifically, pl. (Ch. Hist.), those Jews who accepted Christianity but still adhered to the law of Moses and worshiped in the temple at Jerusalem..
Grace :: Grace (n.) The divine favor toward man; the mercy of God, as distinguished from His justice; also, any benefits His mercy imparts; divine love or pardon; a state of acceptance with God; enjoyment of the divine favor..
Have :: Have (v. t.) To accept possession of; to take or accept.
Receivedness :: Receivedness (n.) The state or quality of being received, accepted, or current; as, the receivedness of an opinion..
Lutheran :: Lutheran (n.) One who accepts or adheres to the doctrines of Luther or the Lutheran Church.
Refusal :: Refusal (n.) The act of refusing; denial of anything demanded, solicited, or offered for acceptance..
Tender :: Tender (v. t.) To offer in words; to present for acceptance.
Accepting :: Accepting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Accep.
Acceptor :: Acceptor (n.) One who accept.
Acceptedly :: Acceptedly (adv.) In a accepted manner; admittedly.
Suprapubian :: Supraprotest (n.) An acceptance of a bill by a third person after protest for nonacceptance by the drawee.
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