Definition of refuse

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Refuse (a.) Refused; rejected; hence; left as unworthy of acceptance; of no value; worthless.

Lern More About Refuse

Spetches :: Spetches (n. pl.) Parings and refuse of hides, skins, etc., from which glue is made..
Taplash :: Taplash (n.) Bad small beer; also, the refuse or dregs of liquor..
Stuff :: Stuff (v. t.) Refuse or worthless matter; hence, also, foolish or irrational language; nonsense; trash..
Residence :: Residence (n.) That which falls to the bottom of liquors; sediment; also, refuse; residuum..
Disallow :: Disallow (v. t.) To refuse to allow; to deny the force or validity of; to disown and reject; as, the judge disallowed the executor's charge..
Rammel :: Rammel (n.) Refuse matter.
Shoddy :: Shoddy (v. t.) A fibrous material obtained by deviling, or tearing into fibers, refuse woolen goods, old stockings, rags, druggets, etc. See Mungo..
Disacknowledge :: Disacknowledge (v. t.) To refuse to acknowledge; to deny; to disown.
Disclaim :: Disclaim (v. t.) To deny, as a claim; to refuse..
Refuse :: Refuse (n.) That which is refused or rejected as useless; waste or worthless matter.
Disbelieve :: Disbelieve (v. t.) Not to believe; to refuse belief or credence to; to hold not to be true or actual.
Offscouring :: Offscouring (n.) That which is scoured off; hence, refuse; rejected matter; that which is vile or despised..
Crackling :: Crackling (n.) Food for dogs, made from the refuse of tallow melting..
Renounce :: Renounce (v. t.) To declare against; to reject or decline formally; to refuse to own or acknowledge as belonging to one; to disclaim; as, to renounce a title to land or to a throne..
Scavenger :: Scavenger (v.) A person whose employment is to clean the streets of a city, by scraping or sweeping, and carrying off the filth. The name is also applied to any animal which devours refuse, carrion, or anything injurious to health..
Dump :: Dump (n.) A ground or place for dumping ashes, refuse, etc..
Wern :: Wern (v. t.) To refuse.
Swaddle :: Swad (n.) A thin layer of refuse at the bottom of a seam.
Slam :: Slam (n.) The refuse of alum works.
Recusant :: Recusant (n.) One who refuses communion with the Church of England; a nonconformist.
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