Albescent :: Albescent (a.) Becoming white or whitish; moderately white.
Alkalescent :: Alkalescent (a.) Tending to the properties of an alkali; slightly alkaline.
Antiputrescent :: Antiputrescent (a.) Counteracting, or preserving from, putrefaction; antiseptic..
Arborescent :: Arborescent (a.) Resembling a tree; becoming woody in stalk; dendritic; having crystallizations disposed like the branches and twigs of a tree.
Ascent :: Ascent () The act of rising; motion upward; rise; a mounting upward; as, he made a tedious ascent; the ascent of vapors from the earth..
Ascent :: Ascent () The way or means by which one ascends.
Ascent :: Ascent () An eminence, hill, or high place..
Ascent :: Ascent () The degree of elevation of an object, or the angle it makes with a horizontal line; inclination; rising grade; as, a road has an ascent of five degrees..
Bicrescentic :: Bicrescentic (a.) Having the form of a double crescent.
Canescent :: Canescent (a.) Growing white, or assuming a color approaching to white..