Salutary :: Salutary (a.) Promotive of, or contributing to, some beneficial purpose; beneficial; advantageous; as, a salutary design..
Salutation :: Salutation (n.) The act of saluting, or paying respect or reverence, by the customary words or actions; the act of greeting, or expressing good will or courtesy; also, that which is uttered or done in saluting or greeting..
Salutatorian :: Salutatorian (n.) The student who pronounces the salutatory oration at the annual Commencement or like exercises of a college, -- an honor commonly assigned to that member of the graduating class who ranks second in scholarship..
Salutatory :: Salutatory (a.) Containing or expressing salutations; speaking a welcome; greeting; -- applied especially to the oration which introduces the exercises of the Commencements, or similar public exhibitions, in American colleges..
Salutatory :: Salutatory (n.) A place for saluting or greeting; a vestibule; a porch.