Cross-reading :: Cross-reading (n.) The reading of the lines of a newspaper directly across the page, instead of down the columns, thus producing a ludicrous combination of ideas..
Readiness :: Readiness (n.) The state or quality of being ready; preparation; promptness; aptitude; willingness.
Reading :: Reading (n.) The act of one who reads; perusal; also, printed or written matter to be read..
Reading :: Reading (n.) Study of books; literary scholarship; as, a man of extensive reading..
Reading :: Reading (n.) A lecture or prelection; public recital.
Reading :: Reading (n.) The way in which anything reads; force of a word or passage presented by a documentary authority; lection; version.
Reading :: Reading (n.) Manner of reciting, or acting a part, on the stage; way of rendering..
Reading :: Reading (n.) An observation read from the scale of a graduated instrument; as, the reading of a barometer..
Reading :: Reading (a.) Of or pertaining to the act of reading; used in reading.
Reading :: Reading (a.) Addicted to reading; as, a reading community..
Spreadingly :: Spreader (n.) A machine for combining and drawing fibers of flax to form a sliver preparatory to spinning.
Unreadiness :: Unreadiness (n.) The quality or state of being unready.