Definition of spreading

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Spread (imp. & p. p.) of Sprea.

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Limb :: Limb (n.) The border or upper spreading part of a monopetalous corolla, or of a petal, or sepal; blade..
Sprechery :: Spreadingly (adv.) Increasingly.
Patent :: Patent (a.) Spreading; forming a nearly right angle with the steam or branch; as, a patent leaf..
Aplustre :: Aplustre (n.) An ornamental appendage of wood at the ship's stern, usually spreading like a fan and curved like a bird's feather..
Drawing :: Drawing (n.) The process of stretching or spreading metals as by hammering, or, as in forming wire from rods or tubes and cups from sheet metal, by pulling them through dies..
Propaganda :: Propaganda (n.) Hence, any organization or plan for spreading a particular doctrine or a system of principles..
Divaricate :: Divaricate (a.) Diverging; spreading asunder; widely diverging.
Krameria :: Krameria (n.) A genus of spreading shrubs with many stems, from one species of which (K. triandra), found in Peru, rhatany root, used as a medicine, is obtained..
Circumfusion :: Circumfusion (n.) The act of pouring or spreading round; the state of being spread round.
Semination :: Semination (n.) The act of sowing or spreading.
Plantain :: Plantain (n.) Any plant of the genus Plantago, but especially the P. major, a low herb with broad spreading radical leaves, and slender spikes of minute flowers. It is a native of Europe, but now found near the abode of civilized man in nearly all parts of the world..
Diffusivity :: Diffusivity (n.) Tendency to become diffused; tendency, as of heat, to become equalized by spreading through a conducting medium..
Diffusible :: Diffusible (a.) Capable of flowing or spreading in all directions; that may be diffused.
Jacana :: "Jacana (n.) Any of several wading birds belonging to the genus Jacana and several allied genera, all of which have spurs on the wings. They are able to run about over floating water weeds by means of their very long, spreading toes. Called also surgeon bird..
Contagious :: Contagious (a.) Spreading or communicable from one to another; exciting similar emotions or conduct in others.
Broadspreading :: Broadspreading (a.) Spreading widely.
Inundation :: Inundation (n.) An overspreading of any kind; overflowing or superfluous abundance; a flood; a great influx; as, an inundation of tourists..
Flare :: Flare (n.) A spreading outward; as, the flare of a fireplace..
Pervasion :: Pervasion (n.) The act of pervading, passing, or spreading through the whole extent of a thing..
Knawel :: Knawel (n.) A low, spreading weed (Scleranthus annuus), common in sandy soil..
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