"""cover-point " :: Cover-point (n.) The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports point..
Abattoir :: Abattoir (n.) A public slaughterhouse for cattle, sheep, etc..
Abatvoix :: Abatvoix (n.) The sounding-board over a pulpit or rostrum.
Abreuvoir :: Abreuvoir (n.) The joint or interstice between stones, to be filled with mortar..
Acalephoid :: Acalephoid (a.) Belonging to or resembling the Acalephae or jellyfishes.
Acaroid :: Acaroid (a.) Shaped like or resembling a mite.
Accoil :: Accoil (v. t.) To gather together; to collect.
Actinoid :: Actinoid (a.) Having the form of rays; radiated, as an actinia..
Adjoin :: Adjoin (v. t.) To join or unite to; to lie contiguous to; to be in contact with; to attach; to append.
Adjoin :: Adjoin (v. i.) To lie or be next, or in contact; to be contiguous; as, the houses adjoin..
Adjoining :: Adjoining (a.) Joining to; contiguous; adjacent; as, an adjoining room..
Adroit :: Adroit (a.) Dexterous in the use of the hands or in the exercise of the mental faculties; exhibiting skill and readiness in avoiding danger or escaping difficulty; ready in invention or execution; -- applied to persons and to acts; as, an adroit mechanic, an adroit reply..
Adroitness :: Adroitness (n.) The quality of being adroit; skill and readiness; dexterity.
Agnoiology :: Agnoiology (n.) The doctrine concerning those things of which we are necessarily ignorant.
Agoing :: Agoing (adv.) In motion; in the act of going; as, to set a mill agoing..
Ailuroidea :: Ailuroidea (n. pl.) A group of the Carnivora, which includes the cats, civets, and hyenas..
Air Poise :: Air poise () An instrument to measure the weight of air.
Albigeois :: Albigeois (n. pl.) A sect of reformers opposed to the church of Rome in the 12th centuries.
Albinoism :: Albinoism (n.) The state or condition of being an albino; albinism.