Aphonous :: Aphonous (a.) Without voice; voiceless; nonvocal.
Autochthonous :: Autochthonous (a.) Aboriginal; indigenous; native.
Cacophonous :: Cacophonous (a.) Alt. of Cacophoniou.
Chthonophagia :: Chthonophagia (n.) Alt. of Chthonophag.
Chthonophagy :: Chthonophagy (n.) A disease characterized by an irresistible desire to eat earth, observed in some parts of the southern United States, the West Indies, etc..
Dishonor :: Dishonor (n.) Lack of honor; disgrace; ignominy; shame; reproach.
Dishonor :: Dishonor (n.) The nonpayment or nonacceptance of commercial paper by the party on whom it is drawn.
Dishonor :: Dishonor (v. t.) To deprive of honor; to disgrace; to bring reproach or shame on; to treat with indignity, or as unworthy in the sight of others; to stain the character of; to lessen the reputation of; as, the duelist dishonors himself to maintain his honor..
Dishonor :: Dishonor (v. t.) To violate the chastity of; to debauch.
Dishonor :: Dishonor (v. t.) To refuse or decline to accept or pay; -- said of a bill, check, note, or draft which is due or presented; as, to dishonor a bill exchange..
Dishonorable :: Dishonorable (a.) Wanting in honor; not honorable; bringing or deserving dishonor; staining the character, and lessening the reputation; shameful; disgraceful; base..
Dishonorable :: Dishonorable (a.) Wanting in honor or esteem; disesteemed.
Dishonorary :: Dishonorary (a.) Bringing dishonor on; tending to disgrace; lessening reputation.
Dishonored :: Dishonored (imp. & p. p.) of Dishono.
Dishonorer :: Dishonorer (n.) One who dishonors or disgraces; one who treats another indignity.
Dishonoring :: Dishonoring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dishono.
Euphonon :: Euphonon (n.) An instrument resembling the organ in tine and the upright piano in form. It is characterized by great strength and sweetness of tone.
Euphonous :: Euphonous (n.) Euphonious.
Homophonous :: Homophonous (a.) Originally, sounding alike; of the same pitch; unisonous; monodic..
Homophonous :: Homophonous (a.) Now used for plain harmony, note against note, as opposed to polyphonic harmony, in which the several parts move independently, each with its own melody..
Homophonous :: Homophonous (a.) Expressing the same sound by a different combination of letters; as, bay and bey..
Honor :: Honor (n.) Esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation; respect; consideration; reverence; veneration; manifestation of respect or reverence.
Honor :: Honor (n.) That which rightfully attracts esteem, respect, or consideration; self-respect; dignity; courage; fidelity; especially, excellence of character; high moral worth; virtue; nobleness; specif., in men, integrity; uprightness; trustworthness; in women, purity; chastity..
Honor :: Honor (n.) A nice sense of what is right, just, and true, with course of life correspondent thereto; strict conformity to the duty imposed by conscience, position, or privilege..
Honor :: Honor (n.) That to which esteem or consideration is paid; distinguished position; high rank.
Honor :: Honor (n.) Fame; reputation; credit.
Honor :: Honor (n.) A token of esteem paid to worth; a mark of respect; a ceremonial sign of consideration; as, he wore an honor on his breast; military honors; civil honors..
Honor :: Honor (n.) A cause of respect and fame; a glory; an excellency; an ornament; as, he is an honor to his nation..
Honor :: Honor (n.) A title applied to the holders of certain honorable civil offices, or to persons of rank; as, His Honor the Mayor. See Note under Honorable..
Honor :: Honor (n.) A seigniory or lordship held of the king, on which other lordships and manors depended..
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