Definition of dishonor

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Dishonor (v. t.) To violate the chastity of; to debauch.

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Infamy :: Infamy (n.) Total loss of reputation; public disgrace; dishonor; ignominy; indignity.
Impeach :: Impeach (v. t.) Hence, to charge with impropriety; to dishonor; to bring discredit on; to call in question; as, to impeach one's motives or conduct..
Basely :: Basely (adv.) In a base manner; with despicable meanness; dishonorably; shamefully.
Dishonorary :: Dishonorary (a.) Bringing dishonor on; tending to disgrace; lessening reputation.
Dehonestation :: Dehonestation (n.) A dishonoring; disgracing.
Ungenerous :: Ungenerous (a.) Not generous; illiberal; ignoble; unkind; dishonorable.
Attaint :: Attaint (v. t.) To accuse; to charge with a crime or a dishonorable act.
Foul :: Foul (superl.) Not conformed to the established rules and customs of a game, conflict, test, etc.; unfair; dishonest; dishonorable; cheating; as, foul play..
Discredit :: Discredit (n.) Hence, some degree of dishonor or disesteem; ill repute; reproach; -- applied to persons or things..
Dishonorable :: Dishonorable (a.) Wanting in honor; not honorable; bringing or deserving dishonor; staining the character, and lessening the reputation; shameful; disgraceful; base..
Stigma :: Stigma (v. t.) Any mark of infamy or disgrace; sign of moral blemish; stain or reproach caused by dishonorable conduct; reproachful characterization.
Disgrace :: Disgrace (n.) To put out favor; to dismiss with dishonor.
Disreputation :: Disreputation (n.) Loss or want of reputation or good name; dishonor; disrepute; disesteem.
Disparage :: Disparage (v. t.) To match unequally; to degrade or dishonor by an unequal marriage.
Disgrace :: Disgrace (n.) The state of being dishonored, or covered with shame; dishonor; shame; ignominy..
Disparager :: Disparager (n.) One who disparages or dishonors; one who vilifies or disgraces.
Unworship :: Unworship (v. t.) To deprive of worship or due honor; to dishonor.
Disparagingly :: Disparagingly (adv.) In a manner to disparage or dishonor; slightingly.
Defame :: Defame (n.) Dishonor.
Dishonor :: Dishonor (v. t.) To deprive of honor; to disgrace; to bring reproach or shame on; to treat with indignity, or as unworthy in the sight of others; to stain the character of; to lessen the reputation of; as, the duelist dishonors himself to maintain his honor..
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