Add :: Add (v. t.) To give by way of increased possession (to any one); to bestow (on).
Add :: Add (v. t.) To join or unite, as one thing to another, or as several particulars, so as to increase the number, augment the quantity, enlarge the magnitude, or so as to form into one aggregate. Hence: To sum up; to put together mentally; as, to add numbers; to add up a column..
Add :: Add (v. t.) To append, as a statement; to say further..
Add :: Add (v. i.) To make an addition. To add to, to augment; to increase; as, it adds to our anxiety..
Add :: Add (v. i.) To perform the arithmetical operation of addition; as, he adds rapidly..
Adder :: Adder (n.) A small venomous serpent of the genus Vipera. The common European adder is the Vipera (/ Pelias) berus. The puff adders of Africa are species of Clotho.
Adder :: Adder (n.) In America, the term is commonly applied to several harmless snakes, as the milk adder, puffing adder, etc..