Aby :: Aby (v. t. & i.) Alt. of Aby.
Abye :: Abye (v. t. & i.) To pay for; to suffer for; to atone for; to make amends for; to give satisfaction.
Abye :: Abye (v. t. & i.) To endure; to abide.
Abysmal :: Abysmal (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, an abyss; bottomless; unending; profound..
Abysmally :: Abysmally (adv.) To a fathomless depth; profoundly.
Abyss :: Abyss (n.) A bottomless or unfathomed depth, gulf, or chasm; hence, any deep, immeasurable, and, specifically, hell, or the bottomless pit..
Abyss :: Abyss (n.) Infinite time; a vast intellectual or moral depth.
Abyss :: Abyss (n.) The center of an escutcheon.
Abyssal :: Abyssal (a.) Belonging to, or resembling, an abyss; unfathomable..
Araby :: Araby (n.) The country of Arabia.
Baby :: Baby (n.) An infant or young child of either sex; a babe.
Baby :: Baby (n.) A small image of an infant; a doll.
Baby :: Baby (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, an infant; young or little; as, baby swans..
Baby :: Baby (v. i.) To treat like a young child; to keep dependent; to humor; to fondle.
Baby Farm :: Baby farm () A place where the nourishment and care of babies are offered for hire.
Baby Jumper :: Baby jumper () A hoop suspended by an elastic strap, in which a young child may be held secure while amusing itself by jumping on the floor..
Babyhood :: Babyhood (n.) The state or period of infancy.
Babyhouse :: Babyhouse (a.) A place for children's dolls and dolls' furniture.
Babyish :: Babyish (a.) Like a baby; childish; puerile; simple.
Babyism :: Babyism (n.) The state of being a baby.
Babyism :: Babyism (n.) A babyish manner of acting or speaking.
Babylonian :: Babylonian (a.) Of or pertaining to the real or to the mystical Babylon, or to the ancient kingdom of Babylonia; Chaldean..