Antizymic :: Antizymic (a.) Preventing fermentation.
Antizymotic :: Antizymotic (a.) Preventing fermentation or decomposition.
Antizymotic :: Antizymotic (n.) An agent so used.
Azym :: Azym (n.) Alt. of Azym.
Azyme :: Azyme (n.) Unleavened bread.
Azymic :: Azymic (a.) Azymous.
Azymite :: Azymite (n.) One who administered the Eucharist with unleavened bread; -- a name of reproach given by those of the Greek church to the Latins.
Azymous :: Azymous (a.) Unleavened; unfermented.
Enzyme :: Enzyme (n.) An unorganized or unformed ferment, in distinction from an organized or living ferment; a soluble, or chemical, ferment. Ptyalin, pepsin, diastase, and rennet are good examples of enzymes..
Erythrozyme :: Erythrozyme (n.) A ferment extracted from madder root, possessing the power of inducing alcoholic fermentation in solutions of sugar..
Histozyme :: Histozyme (n.) A soluble ferment occurring in the animal body, to the presence of which many normal decompositions and synthetical processes are supposed to be due..
Microzyme :: Microzyme (n.) A microorganism which is supposed to act like a ferment in causing or propagating certain infectious or contagious diseases; a pathogenic bacterial organism.
Zymase :: Zymase (n.) A soluble ferment, or enzyme. See Enzyme..
Zyme :: Zyme (n.) A ferment.
Zyme :: Zyme (n.) The morbific principle of a zymotic disease.
Zymic :: Zymic (a.) Pertaining to, or produced by, fermentation; -- formerly, by confusion, used to designate lactic acid..
Zymogen :: Zymogen (n.) A mother substance, or antecedent, of an enzyme or chemical ferment; -- applied to such substances as, not being themselves actual ferments, may by internal changes give rise to a ferment..
Zymogene :: Zymogene (n.) One of a physiological group of globular bacteria which produces fermentations of diverse nature; -- distinguished from pathogene.
Zymogenic :: Zymogenic (a.) Pertaining to, or formed by, a zymogene..
Zymogenic :: Zymogenic (a.) Capable of producing a definite zymogen or ferment.
Zymologic :: Zymologic (a.) Alt. of Zymologica.
Zymological :: Zymological (a.) Of or pertaining to zymology.
Zymologist :: Zymologist (n.) One who is skilled in zymology, or in the fermentation of liquors..
Zymology :: Zymology (n.) A treatise on the fermentation of liquors, or the doctrine of fermentation..
Zymome :: Zymome (n.) A glutinous substance, insoluble in alcohol, resembling legumin; -- now called vegetable fibrin, vegetable albumin, or gluten casein..
Zymometer :: Zymometer (n.) Alt. of Zymosimete.
Zymophyte :: Zymophyte (n.) A bacteroid ferment.
Zymose :: Zymose (n.) Invertin.
Zymosimeter :: Zymosimeter (n.) An instrument for ascertaining the degree of fermentation occasioned by the mixture of different liquids, and the degree of heat which they acquire in fermentation..
Zymosis :: Zymosis (n.) A fermentation; hence, an analogous process by which an infectious disease is believed to be developed..
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