Unmeaning :: Unmeaning (a.) Having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words..
Unmeaning :: Unmeaning (a.) Not indicating intelligence or sense; senseless; expressionless; as, an unmeaning face..
Unmeant :: Unmeant (a.) Not meant or intended; unintentional.
Unmechanize :: Unmechanize (v. t.) To undo the mechanism of; to unmake; as, to unmechanize a structure..
Unmeet :: Unmeet (a.) Not meet or fit; not proper; unbecoming; unsuitable; -- usually followed by for.
Unmember :: Unmember (v. t.) To deprive of membership, as in a church..
Unmerchantable :: Unmerchantable (a.) Not merchantable; not fit for market; being of a kind, quality, or quantity that is unsalable..
Unmerciful :: Unmerciful (a.) Not merciful; indisposed to mercy or grace; cruel; inhuman; merciless; unkind.
Unmew :: Unmew (v. t.) To release from confinement or restraint.