Stirring :: Stirrer (n.) One who, or that which, stirs something; also, one who moves about, especially after sleep; as, an early stirrer..
Stirrup :: Stirring (a.) Putting in motion, or being in motion; active; active in business; habitually employed in some kind of business; accustomed to a busy life..
Stirrup :: Stirrup (v. i.) A kind of ring, or bent piece of metal, wood, leather, or the like, horizontal in one part for receiving the foot of a rider, and attached by a strap to the saddle, -- used to assist a person in mounting a horse, and to enable him to sit steadily in riding, as well as to relieve him by supporting a part of the weight of the body..
Stirrup :: Stirrup (v. i.) Any piece resembling in shape the stirrup of a saddle, and used as a support, clamp, etc. See Bridle iron..
Tirralirra :: Tirralirra (n.) A verbal imitation of a musical sound, as of the note of a lark or a horn..
Tirrit :: Tirrit (n.) A word from the vocabulary of Mrs. Quickly, the hostess in Shakespeare's Henry IV., probably meaning terror..