Context :: Context (a.) Knit or woven together; close; firm.
Context :: Context (n.) The part or parts of something written or printed, as of Scripture, which precede or follow a text or quoted sentence, or are so intimately associated with it as to throw light upon its meaning..
Context :: Context (v. t.) To knit or bind together; to unite closely.
Contextural :: Contextural (a.) Pertaining to contexture or arrangement of parts; producing contexture; interwoven.
Contexture :: Contexture (n.) The arrangement and union of the constituent parts of a thing; a weaving together of parts; structural character of a thing; system; constitution; texture.
Contextured :: Contextured (a.) Formed into texture; woven together; arranged; composed.
Intertexture :: Intertexture (n.) The act of interweaving, or the state of being interwoven; that which is interwoven..
Intextine :: Intextine (n.) A thin membrane existing in the pollen grains of some plants, and situated between the extine and the intine, as in /nothera..
Praetexta :: Praetexta (n.) A white robe with a purple border, worn by a Roman boy before he was entitled to wear the toga virilis, or until about the completion of his fourteenth year, and by girls until their marriage. It was also worn by magistrates and priests..
Retexture :: Retexture (n.) The act of weaving or forming again.
Text :: Text (n.) A discourse or composition on which a note or commentary is written; the original words of an author, in distinction from a paraphrase, annotation, or commentary..
Text :: Text (n.) The four Gospels, by way of distinction or eminence..
Text :: Text (n.) A verse or passage of Scripture, especially one chosen as the subject of a sermon, or in proof of a doctrine..
Text :: Text (n.) Hence, anything chosen as the subject of an argument, literary composition, or the like; topic; theme..
Text :: Text (n.) A style of writing in large characters; text-hand also, a kind of type used in printing; as, German text..
Text :: Text (v. t.) To write in large characters, as in text hand..
Text-book :: Text-book (n.) A book with wide spaces between the lines, to give room for notes..
Text-book :: Text-book (n.) A volume, as of some classical author, on which a teacher lectures or comments; hence, any manual of instruction; a schoolbook..
Text-hand :: Text-hand (n.) A large hand in writing; -- so called because it was the practice to write the text of a book in a large hand and the notes in a smaller hand.
Textile :: Textile (a.) Pertaining to weaving or to woven fabrics; as, textile arts; woven, capable of being woven; formed by weaving; as, textile fabrics..
Textile :: Textile (n.) That which is, or may be, woven; a fabric made by weaving..
Textman :: Textman (n.) One ready in quoting texts.