Definition of text

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Text (v. t.) To write in large characters, as in text hand..

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Mar-text :: Mar-text (n.) A blundering preacher.
Cloak :: Cloak (n.) That which conceals; a disguise or pretext; an excuse; a fair pretense; a mask; a cover.
Ravel :: Ravel (v. t.) To separate or undo the texture of; to take apart; to untwist; to unweave or unknit; -- often followed by out; as, to ravel a twist; to ravel out a stocking..
Textile :: Textile (n.) That which is, or may be, woven; a fabric made by weaving..
Corrupt :: Corrupt (v. t.) To debase or render impure by alterations or innovations; to falsify; as, to corrupt language; to corrupt the sacred text..
Textuary :: Textuary (n.) One who adheres strictly or rigidly to the text.
Delicate :: Delicate (a.) Slight or smooth; light and yielding; -- said of texture; as, delicate lace or silk..
Botanical :: Botanical (a.) Of or pertaining to botany; relating to the study of plants; as, a botanical system, arrangement, textbook, expedition..
Praetextas :: Praetextas (pl. ) of Praetext.
Textual :: Textual (a.) Of, pertaining to, or contained in, the text; as, textual criticism; a textual reading..
Web :: Web (n.) That which is woven; a texture; textile fabric; esp., something woven in a loom..
Text :: Text (n.) Hence, anything chosen as the subject of an argument, literary composition, or the like; topic; theme..
Text :: Text (v. t.) To write in large characters, as in text hand..
Contex :: Contex (v. t.) To context.
Sago :: Sago (n.) A dry granulated starch imported from the East Indies, much used for making puddings and as an article of diet for the sick; also, as starch, for stiffening textile fabrics. It is prepared from the stems of several East Indian and Malayan palm trees, but chiefly from the Metroxylon Sagu; also from several cycadaceous plants (Cycas revoluta, Zamia integrifolia, etc.)..
Fine :: Fine (a.) To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.; as. to fine the soil..
Globuliferous :: Globuliferous (a.) Bearing globules; in geology, used of rocks, and denoting a variety of concretionary structure, where the concretions are isolated globules and evenly distributed through the texture of the rock..
Abaca :: Abaca (n.) The Manila-hemp plant (Musa textilis); also, its fiber. See Manila hemp under Manila..
Corneouss :: Corneouss (a.) Of a texture resembling horn; horny; hard.
Astronomy :: Astronomy (n.) A treatise on, or text-book of, the science..
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