Curviserial :: Curviserial (a.) Distributed in a curved line, as leaves along a stem..
Gasserian :: Gasserian (a.) Relating to Casserio (L. Gasserius), the discover of the Gasserian ganglion..
Multiserial :: Multiserial (a.) Arranged in many rows, or series, as the scales of a pine cone, or the leaves of the houseleek..
Rectiserial :: Rectiserial (a.) Arranged in exactly vertical ranks, as the leaves on stems of many kinds; -- opposed to curviserial..
Serial :: Serial (a.) Of or pertaining to a series; consisting of a series; appearing in successive parts or numbers; as, a serial work or publication..
Serial :: Serial (n.) A publication appearing in a series or succession of part; a tale, or other writing, published in successive numbers of a periodical..
Seriality :: Seriality (n.) The quality or state of succession in a series; sequence.
Serially :: Serially (adv.) In a series, or regular order; in a serial manner; as, arranged serially; published serially..
Seriate :: Seriate (a.) Arranged in a series or succession; pertaining to a series.
Seriatim :: Seriatim (adv.) In regular order; one after the other; severally.
Seriation :: Seriation (n.) Arrangement or position in a series.
Spenserian :: Spenserian (a.) Of or pertaining to the English poet Spenser; -- specifically applied to the stanza used in his poem The Faerie Queene..