Arthrostraca :: Arthrostraca (n. pl.) One of the larger divisions of Crustacea, so called because the thorax and abdomen are both segmented; Tetradecapoda. It includes the Amphipoda and Isopoda..
Entomostraca :: Entomostraca (n. pl.) One of the subclasses of Crustacea, including a large number of species, many of them minute. The group embraces several orders; as the Phyllopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda, and Pectostraca. See Copepoda, Phyllopoda, and Cladocera..
Ostracea :: Ostracea (n. pl.) A division of bivalve mollusks including the oysters and allied shells.
Ostracean :: Ostracean (n.) Any one of a family of bivalves, of which the oyster is the type..
Ostracion :: Ostracion (n.) A genus of plectognath fishes having the body covered with solid, immovable, bony plates. It includes the trunkfishes..
Ostraciont :: Ostraciont (n.) A fish of the genus Ostracion and allied genera.
Ostracism :: Ostracism (n.) Banishment by popular vote, -- a means adopted at Athens to rid the city of a person whose talent and influence gave umbrage..
Ostracism :: Ostracism (n.) Banishment; exclusion; as, social ostracism..
Ostracize :: Ostracize (v. t.) To exile by ostracism; to banish by a popular vote, as at Athens..
Ostracize :: Ostracize (v. t.) To banish from society; to put under the ban; to cast out from social, political, or private favor; as, he was ostracized by his former friends..