Bambocciade :: Bambocciade (n.) A representation of a grotesque scene from common or rustic life.
Basioccipital :: Basioccipital (a.) Of or pertaining to the bone in the base of the cranium, frequently forming a part of the occipital in the adult, but usually distinct in the young..
Cocciferous :: Cocciferous (a.) Bearing or producing berries; bacciferous; as, cocciferous trees or plants..
Coccinella :: Coccinella (n.) A genus of small beetles of many species. They and their larvae feed on aphids or plant lice, and hence are of great benefit to man. Also called ladybirds and ladybugs..
Disoccident :: Disoccident (v. t.) To turn away from the west; to throw out of reckoning as to longitude.
Exoccipital :: Exoccipital (a.) Pertaining to a bone or region on each side of the great foremen of the skull.
Exoccipital :: Exoccipital (n.) The exoccipital bone, which often forms a part of the occipital in the adult, but is usually distinct in the young..
Fantoccini :: Fantoccini (n. pl.) Puppets caused to perform evolutions or dramatic scenes by means of machinery; also, the representations in which they are used..
Floccillation :: Floccillation (n.) A delirious picking of bedclothes by a sick person, as if to pick off flocks of wool; carphology; -- an alarming symptom in acute diseases..
Occident :: Occident (n.) The part of the horizon where the sun last appears in the evening; that part of the earth towards the sunset; the west; -- opposed to orient. Specifically, in former times, Europe as opposed to Asia; now, also, the Western hemisphere..
Occidental :: Occidental (a.) Of, pertaining to, or situated in, the occident, or west; western; -- opposed to oriental; as, occidental climates, or customs; an occidental planet..
Occidental :: Occidental (a.) Possessing inferior hardness, brilliancy, or beauty; -- used of inferior precious stones and gems, because those found in the Orient are generally superior..
Occidentals :: Occidentals ( Western Christians of the Latin rite. See Orientals.