Adnascent :: Adnascent (a.) Growing to or on something else.
Connascency :: Connascency (n.) The common birth of two or more at the same tome; production of two or more together.
Connascency :: Connascency (n.) That which is born or produced with another.
Connascent :: Connascent (a.) Born together; produced at the same time.
Nascal :: Nascal (n.) A kind of pessary of medicated wool or cotton, formerly used..
Nascency :: Nascency (n.) State of being nascent; birth; beginning; origin.
Nascent :: Nascent (a.) Commencing, or in process of development; beginning to exist or to grow; coming into being; as, a nascent germ..
Nascent :: Nascent (a.) Evolving; being evolved or produced.
Phonascetics :: Phonascetics (n.) Treatment for restoring or improving the voice.
Renascent :: Renascent (a.) Springing or rising again into being; being born again, or reproduced..
Renascible :: Renascible (a.) Capable of being reproduced; ablle to spring again into being.
Subnascent :: Subnasal (a.) Situated under the nose; as, the subnasal point, or the middle point of the inferior border of the anterior nasal aperture..