Interradial :: Interradial (a.) Between the radii, or rays; -- in zoology, said of certain parts of radiate animals; as, the interradial plates of a starfish..
Interramal :: Interramal (a.) Between rami or branches; esp., between the mandibles, or rami of the lower jaw; intermandibular..
Interreceive :: Interreceive (v. t.) To receive between or within.
Interregnum :: Interregnum (n.) The time during which a throne is vacant between the death or abdication of a sovereign and the accession of his successor.
Interregnum :: Interregnum (n.) Any period during which, for any cause, the executive branch of a government is suspended or interrupted..
Interrogation :: Interrogation (n.) A point, mark, or sign, thus [?], indicating that the sentence with which it is connected is a question. It is used to express doubt, or to mark a query. Called also interrogation point..