Hindu :: Hindu (n.) A native inhabitant of Hindostan. As an ethnical term it is confined to the Dravidian and Aryan races; as a religious name it is restricted to followers of the Veda.
Hindustani :: Hindustani (a.) Of or pertaining to the Hindoos or their language.
Hindustani :: Hindustani (n.) The language of Hindostan; the name given by Europeans to the most generally spoken of the modern Aryan languages of India. It is Hindi with the addition of Persian and Arabic words.
Indubious :: Indubious (a.) Not dubious or doubtful; certain.
Indubious :: Indubious (a.) Not doubting; unsuspecting.
Indubitable :: Indubitable (a.) Not dubitable or doubtful; too evident to admit of doubt; unquestionable; evident; apparently certain; as, an indubitable conclusion..
Indubitableness :: Indubitableness (n.) The state or quality of being indubitable.
Indubitably :: Indubitably (adv.) Undoubtedly; unquestionably; in a manner to remove all doubt.
Indubitate :: Indubitate (a.) Not questioned or doubtful; evident; certain.
Indubitate :: Indubitate (v. t.) To bring into doubt; to cause to be doubted.
Induce :: Induce (v. t.) To lead in; to introduce.
Induce :: Induce (v. t.) To draw on; to overspread.
Induce :: Induce (v. t.) To lead on; to influence; to prevail on; to incite; to move by persuasion or influence.
Induce :: Induce (v. t.) To bring on; to effect; to cause; as, a fever induced by fatigue or exposure..
Induce :: Induce (v. t.) To produce, or cause, by proximity without contact or transmission, as a particular electric or magnetic condition in a body, by the approach of another body in an opposite electric or magnetic state..
Induce :: Induce (v. t.) To generalize or conclude as an inference from all the particulars; -- the opposite of deduce.
Inducement :: Inducement (n.) The act of inducing, or the state of being induced..
Inducement :: Inducement (n.) That which induces; a motive or consideration that leads one to action or induces one to act; as, reward is an inducement to toil..
Inducement :: Inducement (n.) Matter stated by way of explanatory preamble or introduction to the main allegations of a pleading; a leading to.
Inducer :: Inducer (n.) One who, or that which, induces or incites..
Inducible :: Inducible (a.) Capable of being induced, caused, or made to take place..
Inducible :: Inducible (a.) Obtainable by induction; derivable; inferable.
Induct :: Induct (v. t.) To bring in; to introduce; to usher in.
Induct :: Induct (v. t.) To introduce, as to a benefice or office; to put in actual possession of the temporal rights of an ecclesiastical living, or of any other office, with the customary forms and ceremonies..