Honey :: Honey (n.) A sweet viscid fluid, esp. that collected by bees from flowers of plants, and deposited in the cells of the honeycomb..
Honey :: Honey (n.) That which is sweet or pleasant, like honey..
Honey :: Honey (n.) Sweet one; -- a term of endearment.
Honey :: Honey (v. i.) To be gentle, agreeable, or coaxing; to talk fondly; to use endearments; also, to be or become obsequiously courteous or complimentary; to fawn..
Honey :: Honey (v. t.) To make agreeable; to cover or sweeten with, or as with, honey..
Honey-bag :: Honey-bag (n.) The receptacle for honey in a honeybee.
Honey-mouthed :: Honey-mouthed (a.) Soft to sweet in speech; persuasive.
Honeybee :: Honeybee (n.) Any bee of the genus Apis, which lives in communities and collects honey, esp. the common domesticated hive bee (Apis mellifica), the Italian bee (A. ligustica), and the Arabiab bee (A. fasciata). The two latter are by many entomologists considered only varieties of the common hive bee. Each swarm of bees consists of a large number of workers (barren females), with, ordinarily, one queen or fertile female, but in the swarming season several young queens, and a number of males or dr
Honeycomb :: Honeycomb (n.) A mass of hexagonal waxen cells, formed by bees, and used by them to hold their honey and their eggs..
Honeycomb :: Honeycomb (n.) Any substance, as a easting of iron, a piece of worm-eaten wood, or of triple, etc., perforated with cells like a honeycomb..
Honeycombed :: Honeycombed (a.) Formed or perforated like a honeycomb.
Honeydew :: Honeydew (n.) A sweet, saccharine substance, found on the leaves of trees and other plants in small drops, like dew. Two substances have been called by this name; one exuded from the plants, and the other secreted by certain insects, esp. aphids..
Honeydew :: Honeydew (n.) A kind of tobacco moistened with molasses.