Abiogenesis :: Abiogenesis (n.) The supposed origination of living organisms from lifeless matter; such genesis as does not involve the action of living parents; spontaneous generation; -- called also abiogeny, and opposed to biogenesis..
Agamogenesis :: Agamogenesis (n.) Reproduction without the union of parents of distinct sexes: asexual reproduction.
Agenesic :: Agenesic (a.) Characterized by sterility; infecund.
Agenesis :: Agenesis (n.) Any imperfect development of the body, or any anomaly of organization..
Cytogenesis :: Cytogenesis (n.) Development of cells in animal and vegetable organisms. See Gemmation, Budding, Karyokinesis; also Cell development, under Cell..
Digenesis :: Digenesis (n.) The faculty of multiplying in two ways; -- by ova fecundated by spermatic fluid, and asexually, as by buds. See Parthenogenesis..
Dysgenesic :: Dysgenesic (a.) Not procreating or breeding freely; as, one race may be dysgenesic with respect to another..
Dysgenesis :: Dysgenesis (n.) A condition of not generating or breeding freely; infertility; a form homogenesis in which the hybrids are sterile among themselves, but are fertile with members of either parent race..
Epigenesis :: Epigenesis (n.) The theory of generation which holds that the germ is created entirely new, not merely expanded, by the procreative power of the parents. It is opposed to the theory of evolution, also to syngenesis..
Epigenesist :: Epigenesist (n.) One who believes in, or advocates the theory of, epigenesis..
Gamogenesis :: Gamogenesis (n.) The production of offspring by the union of parents of different sexes; sexual reproduction; -- the opposite of agamogenesis.
Geneagenesis :: Geneagenesis (n.) Alternate generation. See under Generation.
Genesial :: Genesial (a.) Of or relating to generation.
Genesiolgy :: Genesiolgy (n.) The doctrine or science of generation.
Genesis :: Genesis (n.) The act of producing, or giving birth or origin to anything; the process or mode of originating; production; formation; origination..
Genesis :: Genesis (n.) The first book of the Old Testament; -- so called by the Greek translators, from its containing the history of the creation of the world and of the human race..