Dentiroster :: Dentiroster (n.) A dentirostral bird.
Dentirostral :: Dentirostral (a.) Having a toothed bill; -- applied to a group of passerine birds, having the bill notched, and feeding chiefly on insects, as the shrikes and vireos. See Illust. (N) under Beak..
Dentirostrate :: Dentirostrate (a.) Dentirostral.
Dentirostres :: Dentirostres (pl. ) of Dentiroste.
Entire :: Entire (a.) Complete in all parts; undivided; undiminished; whole; full and perfect; not deficient; as, the entire control of a business; entire confidence, ignorance..
Entire :: Entire (a.) Without mixture or alloy of anything; unqualified; morally whole; pure; faithful.
Entire :: Entire (a.) Consisting of a single piece, as a corolla..
Entire :: Entire (a.) Having an evenly continuous edge, as a leaf which has no kind of teeth..
Entire :: Entire (a.) Not gelded; -- said of a horse.
Entire :: Entire (a.) Internal; interior.
Entire :: Entire (n.) Entirely.
Entire :: Entire (n.) A name originally given to a kind of beer combining qualities of different kinds of beer.
Entirely :: Entirely (adv.) In an entire manner; wholly; completely; fully; as, the trace is entirely lost..
Entirely :: Entirely (adv.) Without alloy or mixture; truly; sincerely.
Entireness :: Entireness (n.) The state or condition of being entire; completeness; fullness; totality; as, the entireness of an arch or a bridge..
Entireness :: Entireness (n.) Integrity; wholeness of heart; honesty.
Entireness :: Entireness (n.) Oneness; unity; -- applied to a condition of intimacy or close association.
Entireness :: Entireness (pl. ) of Entiret.
Entirety :: Entirety (n.) The state of being entire; completeness; as, entirely of interest..
Entirety :: Entirety (n.) That which is entire; the whole.
Sentires :: Sentires (pl. ) of Sentr.
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