Definition of entire

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Entire (a.) Not gelded; -- said of a horse.

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Percurrent :: Percurrent (a.) Running through the entire length.
Y- :: Y- () A prefix of obscure meaning, originally used with verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns, and pronouns. In the Middle English period, it was little employed except with verbs, being chiefly used with past participles, though occasionally with the infinitive Ycleped, or yclept, is perhaps the only word not entirely obsolete which shows this use..
All :: All (adv.) Wholly; completely; altogether; entirely; quite; very; as, all bedewed; my friend is all for amusement..
Scutellation :: Scutellation (n.) the entire covering, or mode of arrangement, of scales, as on the legs and feet of a bird..
Simple :: Simple (a.) Without subdivisions; entire; as, a simple stem; a simple leaf..
Entirety :: Entirety (n.) That which is entire; the whole.
Brilliant :: Brilliant (a.) A diamond or other gem of the finest cut, formed into faces and facets, so as to reflect and refract the light, by which it is rendered more brilliant. It has at the middle, or top, a principal face, called the table, which is surrounded by a number of sloping facets forming a bizet; below, it has a small face or collet, parallel to the table, connected with the girdle by a pavilion of elongated facets. It is thus distinguished from the rose diamond, which is entirely covered with
Holoblast :: Holoblast (n.) an ovum composed entirely of germinal matter. See Meroblast.
Sentires :: Sentires (pl. ) of Sentr.
Basin :: Basin (n.) The entire tract of country drained by a river, or sloping towards a sea or lake..
Solidarity :: Solidarity (n.) An entire union or consolidation of interests and responsibilities; fellowship; community.
Venosity :: Venosity (n.) A condition in which the circulation is retarded, and the entire mass of blood is less oxygenated than it normally is..
Integral :: Integral (a.) Lacking nothing of completeness; complete; perfect; uninjured; whole; entire.
Teleology :: Teleology (n.) the doctrine of design, which assumes that the phenomena of organic life, particularly those of evolution, are explicable only by purposive causes, and that they in no way admit of a mechanical explanation or one based entirely on biological science; the doctrine of adaptation to purpose..
Entire :: Entire (n.) A name originally given to a kind of beer combining qualities of different kinds of beer.
Totality :: Totality (n.) The whole sum; the whole quantity or amount; the entirety; as, the totalityof human knowledge..
Integrity :: Integrity (n.) The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory..
Teetotaler :: Teetotaler (n.) One pledged to entire abstinence from all intoxicating drinks.
Perdition :: Perdition (n.) Entire loss; utter destruction; ruin; esp., the utter loss of the soul, or of final happiness in a future state; future misery or eternal death..
Perisome :: Perisome (n.) The entire covering of an invertebrate animal, as echinoderm or coelenterate; the integument..
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