Academical :: Academical (a.) Belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato; as, the Academic sect or philosophy..
Academical :: Academical (a.) Belonging to an academy or other higher institution of learning; scholarly; literary or classical, in distinction from scientific..
Academically :: Academically (adv.) In an academical manner.
Academicals :: Academicals (n. pl.) The articles of dress prescribed and worn at some colleges and universities.
Alchemical :: Alchemical (a.) Of or relating to alchemy.
Alchemically :: Alchemically (adv.) In the manner of alchemy.
Apozemical :: Apozemical (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a decoction..
Chemical :: Chemical (a.) Pertaining to chemistry; characterized or produced by the forces and operations of chemistry; employed in the processes of chemistry; as, chemical changes; chemical combinations..
Chemical :: Chemical (n.) A substance used for producing a chemical effect; a reagent.
Chemically :: Chemically (adv.) According to chemical principles; by chemical process or operation.
Demicadence :: Demicadence (n.) An imperfect or half cadence, falling on the dominant instead of on the key note..
Demicannon :: Demicannon (n.) A kind of ordnance, carrying a ball weighing from thirty to thirty-six pounds..
Electro-chemical :: Electro-chemical (a.) Of or pertaining to electro-chemistry.
Emicant :: Emicant (a.) Beaming forth; flashing.
Emication :: Emication (n.) A flying off in small particles, as heated iron or fermenting liquors; a sparkling; scintillation..
Endemical :: Endemical (a.) Peculiar to a district or particular locality, or class of persons; as, an endemic disease..
Endemically :: Endemically (adv.) In an endemic manner.
Epidemical :: Epidemical (a.) Common to, or affecting at the same time, a large number in a community; -- applied to a disease which, spreading widely, attacks many persons at the same time; as, an epidemic disease; an epidemic catarrh, fever, etc. See Endemic..
Epidemical :: Epidemical (a.) Spreading widely, or generally prevailing; affecting great numbers, as an epidemic does; as, epidemic rage; an epidemic evil..
Epidemically :: Epidemically (adv.) In an epidemic manner.
Hemicardia :: Hemicardia (n.) A lateral half of the heart, either the right or left..
Hemicarp :: Hemicarp (n.) One portion of a fruit that spontaneously divides into halves.
Iatrochemical :: Iatrochemical (a.) Of or pertaining to iatrochemistry, or to the iatrochemists..
Mechanico-chemical :: Mechanico-chemical (a.) Pertaining to, connected with, or dependent upon, both mechanics and chemistry; -- said especially of those sciences which treat of such phenomena as seem to depend on the laws both of mechanics and chemistry, as electricity and magnetism..
Micro-chemical :: Micro-chemical (a.) Of or pertaining to micro-chemistry; as, a micro-chemical test..
Philopolemical :: Philopolemical (a.) Fond of polemics or controversy.
Photochemical :: Photochemical (a.) Of or pertaining to chemical action of light, or produced by it; as, the photochemical changes of the visual purple of the retina..
Physicochemical :: Physicochemical (a.) Involving the principles of both physics and chemistry; dependent on, or produced by, the joint action of physical and chemical agencies..
Phytochemical :: Phytochemical (a.) Relating to phytochemistry.
Polemical :: Polemical (a.) Polemic; controversial; disputatious.
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