Acanthocephala :: Acanthocephala (n. pl.) A group of intestinal worms, having the proboscis armed with recurved spines..
Acephala :: Acephala (n. pl.) That division of the Mollusca which includes the bivalve shells, like the clams and oysters; -- so called because they have no evident head. Formerly the group included the Tunicata, Brachiopoda, and sometimes the Bryozoa. See Mollusca..
Acephalan :: Acephalan (n.) Same as Acephal.
Acephalan :: Acephalan (a.) Belonging to the Acephala.
Agalactia :: Agalactia (n.) Alt. of Agalax.
Agalactous :: Agalactous (a.) Lacking milk to suckle with.
Agalaxy :: Agalaxy (n.) Failure of the due secretion of milk after childbirth.
Ala :: Ala (n.) A winglike organ, or part..
Alabama Period :: Alabama period () A period in the American eocene, the lowest in the tertiary age except the lignitic..
Alabaster :: Alabaster (n.) A compact variety or sulphate of lime, or gypsum, of fine texture, and usually white and translucent, but sometimes yellow, red, or gray. It is carved into vases, mantel ornaments, etc..
Alabaster :: Alabaster (n.) A hard, compact variety of carbonate of lime, somewhat translucent, or of banded shades of color; stalagmite. The name is used in this sense by Pliny. It is sometimes distinguished as oriental alabaster..
Alabaster :: Alabaster (n.) A box or vessel for holding odoriferous ointments, etc.; -- so called from the stone of which it was originally made..
Alabastra :: Alabastra (pl. ) of Alabastru.
Alabastrian :: Alabastrian (a.) Alabastrine.
Alabastrine :: Alabastrine (a.) Of, pertaining to, or like, alabaster; as alabastrine limbs..
Alabastrum :: Alabastrum (n.) A flower bud.
Alack :: Alack (interj.) An exclamation expressive of sorrow.
Alackaday :: Alackaday (interj.) An exclamation expressing sorrow.
Alacrify :: Alacrify (v. t.) To rouse to action; to inspirit.
Alacrious :: Alacrious (a.) Brisk; joyously active; lively.
Alacriously :: Alacriously (adv.) With alacrity; briskly.
Alacriousness :: Alacriousness (n.) Alacrity.
Alacrity :: Alacrity (n.) A cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptitude; joyous activity; briskness; sprightliness; as, the soldiers advanced with alacrity to meet the enemy..
Aladinist :: Aladinist (n.) One of a sect of freethinkers among the Mohammedans.
Alae :: Alae (pl. ) of Al.
Alalonga :: Alalonga (n.) Alt. of Alilongh.
Alamire :: Alamire (n.) The lowest note but one in Guido Aretino's scale of music.
Alamodality :: Alamodality (n.) The quality of being a la mode; conformity to the mode or fashion; fashionableness.
Alamode :: Alamode (adv. & a.) According to the fashion or prevailing mode.
Alamode :: Alamode (n.) A thin, black silk for hoods, scarfs, etc.; -- often called simply mode..
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