Definition of muck

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Muck () abbreviation of Amuck.

Lern More About Muck

Muckiness :: Muckiness (n.) The quality of being mucky.
Mux :: Mux (n.) Dirt; filth; muck.
Muckle :: Muckle (a.) Much.
Muck :: Muck (n.) Money; -- in contempt.
Mucker :: Mucker (v. t.) To scrape together, as money, by mean labor or shifts..
Kalmuck :: Kalmuck (n.) A coarse, dyed, cotton cloth, made in Prussia..
Soil :: Soil (v. t.) To enrich with soil or muck; to manure.
Mucksy :: Mucksy (a.) Somewhat mucky; soft, sticky, and dirty; muxy..
Kalmuck :: Kalmuck (n.) See Calmucks.
Muck :: Muck (v. t.) To manure with muck.
Muckworm :: Muckworm (n.) A larva or grub that lives in muck or manure; -- applied to the larvae of the tumbledung and allied beetles.
Muck :: Muck (n.) Dung in a moist state; manure.
Calmucks :: Calmucks (n. pl.) A branch of the Mongolian race inhabiting parts of the Russian and Chinese empires; also (sing.), the language of the Calmucks..
Muck :: Muck () abbreviation of Amuck.
Amuck :: Amuck (a. & adv.) In a frenzied and reckless manner.
Muckender :: Muckender (n.) A handkerchief.
Mucky :: Mucky (a.) Vile, in a moral sense; sordid..
Kalmuck :: Kalmuck (n.) A kind of shaggy cloth, resembling bearskin..
Mucky :: Mucky (a.) Filthy with muck; miry; as, a mucky road..
Muck :: Muck (n.) Anything filthy or vile.
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