Definition of mot

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Mot (n.) A word; hence, a motto; a device..

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English :: English (v. t.) To strike (the cue ball) in such a manner as to give it in addition to its forward motion a spinning motion, that influences its direction after impact on another ball or the cushion..
Clap :: Clap (n.) A single, sudden act or motion; a stroke; a blow..
Promote :: Promote (v. t.) To contribute to the growth, enlargement, or prosperity of (any process or thing that is in course); to forward; to further; to encourage; to advance; to excite; as, to promote learning; to promote disorder; to promote a business venture..
Atavism :: Atavism (n.) The recurrence, or a tendency to a recurrence, of the original type of a species in the progeny of its varieties; resemblance to remote rather than to near ancestors; reversion to the original form..
Strikle :: Striking (a.) Affecting with strong emotions; surprising; forcible; impressive; very noticeable; as, a striking representation or image; a striking resemblance..
Mainspring :: Mainspring (n.) The principal or most important spring in a piece of mechanism, especially the moving spring of a watch or clock or the spring in a gunlock which impels the hammer. Hence: The chief or most powerful motive; the efficient cause of action..
Beam :: Beam (n.) A heavy iron lever having an oscillating motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and the other with the crank of the wheel shaft; -- called also working beam or walking beam..
Savage :: Savage (a.) Of or pertaining to the forest; remote from human abodes and cultivation; in a state of nature; wild; as, a savage wilderness..
Thermotaxic :: Thermotaxic (a.) Pertaining to, or connected with, the regulation of temperature in the animal body; as, the thermotaxic nervous system..
Frigga :: Frigga (n.) The wife of Odin and mother of the gods; the supreme goddess; the Juno of the Valhalla. Cf. Freya.
Whistler :: Whistler (n.) The hoary, or northern, marmot (Arctomys pruinosus)..
Motioner :: Motioner (n.) One who makes a motion; a mover.
Down :: Down (adv.) From a higher to a lower position, literally or figuratively; in a descending direction; from the top of an ascent; from an upright position; to the ground or floor; to or into a lower or an inferior condition; as, into a state of humility, disgrace, misery, and the like; into a state of rest; -- used with verbs indicating motion..
Seesaw :: Seesaw (n.) A vibratory or reciprocating motion.
Chromotype :: Chromotype (n.) A sheet printed in colors by any process, as a chromolithograph. See Chromolithograph..
Outlying :: Outlying (a.) Lying or being at a distance from the central part, or the main body; being on, or beyond, the frontier; exterior; remote; detached..
Mottle :: Mottle (n.) A mottled appearance.
To :: To (prep.) In a very general way, and with innumerable varieties of application, to connects transitive verbs with their remoter or indirect object, and adjectives, nouns, and neuter or passive verbs with a following noun which limits their action. Its sphere verges upon that of for, but it contains less the idea of design or appropriation; as, these remarks were addressed to a large audience; let us keep this seat to ourselves; a substance sweet to the taste; an event painful to the mind; duty
Stepson :: Stepsister (n.) A daughter of one's stepfather or stepmother by a former marriage.
Sialogogue :: Sialogogue (n.) An agent which promotes the flow of saliva.
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