Definition of mind

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Mind (n.) To put in mind; to remind.

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Urge :: Urge (v. t.) To press the mind or will of; to ply with motives, arguments, persuasion, or importunity..
Intend :: Intend (v. t.) To fix the mind on; to attend to; to take care of; to superintend; to regard.
Vote :: Vote (n.) Expression of judgment or will by a majority; legal decision by some expression of the minds of a number; as, the vote was unanimous; a vote of confidence..
Indetermination :: Indetermination (n.) Want of determination; an unsettled or wavering state, as of the mind..
Regard :: Regard (v. t.) That view of the mind which springs from perception of value, estimable qualities, or anything that excites admiration; respect; esteem; reverence; affection; as, to have a high regard for a person; -- often in the plural..
Weak :: Weak (v. i.) Feeble of mind; wanting discernment; lacking vigor; spiritless; as, a weak king or magistrate..
Will :: Will (v.) The legal declaration of a person's mind as to the manner in which he would have his property or estate disposed of after his death; the written instrument, legally executed, by which a man makes disposition of his estate, to take effect after his death; testament; devise. See the Note under Testament, 1..
Observant :: Observant (a.) Submissively attentive; obediently watchful; regardful; mindful; obedient (to); -- with of, as, to be observant of rules..
Spooneye :: Spooney (a.) Weak-minded; demonstratively fond; as, spooney lovers..
Delirium :: Delirium (n.) A state in which the thoughts, expressions, and actions are wild, irregular, and incoherent; mental aberration; a roving or wandering of the mind, -- usually dependent on a fever or some other disease, and so distinguished from mania, or madness..
Mobile :: Mobile (a.) Changing in appearance and expression under the influence of the mind; as, mobile features..
Folly :: Folly (n.) A foolish act; an inconsiderate or thoughtless procedure; weak or light-minded conduct; foolery.
Muzzy :: Muzzy (a.) Absent-minded; dazed; muddled; stupid.
Rest :: Rest (n.) A state of quiet or repose; a cessation from motion or labor; tranquillity; as, rest from mental exertion; rest of body or mind..
Contracted :: Contracted (a.) Narrow; illiberal; selfish; as, a contracted mind; contracted views..
Endowment :: Endowment (n.) That which is given or bestowed upon the person or mind; gift of nature; accomplishment; natural capacity; talents; -- usually in the plural.
Inconclusive :: Inconclusive (a.) Not conclusive; leading to no conclusion; not closing or settling a point in debate, or a doubtful question; as, evidence is inconclusive when it does not exhibit the truth of a disputed case in such a manner as to satisfy the mind, and put an end to debate or doubt..
Acumen :: Acumen (n.) Quickness of perception or discernment; penetration of mind; the faculty of nice discrimination.
Remember :: Remember (v. t.) To recall to the mind of another, as in the friendly messages, remember me to him, he wishes to be remembered to you, etc..
Healthless :: Healthless (n.) Without health, whether of body or mind; in firm..
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