Definition of accent

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Accent (n.) A superior force of voice or of articulative effort upon some particular syllable of a word or a phrase, distinguishing it from the others..

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Perispomenon :: Perispomenon (n.) A word which has the circumflex accent on the last syllable.
Ictus :: Ictus (n.) The stress of voice laid upon accented syllable of a word. Cf. Arsis.
Accent :: Accent (n.) A superior force of voice or of articulative effort upon some particular syllable of a word or a phrase, distinguishing it from the others..
Accent :: Accent (v. t.) To mark emphatically; to emphasize.
Cabala :: Cabala (n.) A kind of occult theosophy or traditional interpretation of the Scriptures among Jewish rabbis and certain mediaeval Christians, which treats of the nature of god and the mystery of human existence. It assumes that every letter, word, number, and accent of Scripture contains a hidden sense; and it teaches the methods of interpretation for ascertaining these occult meanings. The cabalists pretend even to foretell events by this means..
Atonic :: Atonic (a.) Unaccented; as, an atonic syllable..
Thesis :: Thesis (n.) The accented part of the measure, expressed by the downward beat; -- the opposite of arsis..
Anapest :: Anapest (n.) A metrical foot consisting of three syllables, the first two short, or unaccented, the last long, or accented (/ / -); the reverse of the dactyl. In Latin d/-/-tas, and in English in-ter-vene#, are examples of anapests..
Circumflex :: Circumflex (n.) A character, or accent, denoting in Greek a rise and of the voice on the same long syllable, marked thus [~ or /]; and in Latin and some other languages, denoting a long and contracted syllable, marked [/ or ^]. See Accent, n., 2..
Accentual :: Accentual (a.) Of or pertaining to accent; characterized or formed by accent.
Type :: Type (n.) A raised letter, figure, accent, or other character, cast in metal or cut in wood, used in printing..
Circumflect :: Circumflect (v. t.) To mark with the circumflex accent, as a vowel..
Acute :: Acute (a.) High, or shrill, in respect to some other sound; -- opposed to grave or low; as, an acute tone or accent..
After-note :: After-note (n.) One of the small notes occur on the unaccented parts of the measure, taking their time from the preceding note..
Accented :: Accented (imp. & p. p.) of Accen.
Tilde :: Tilde (n.) The accentual mark placed over n, and sometimes over l, in Spanish words [thus, ?, /], indicating that, in pronunciation, the sound of the following vowel is to be preceded by that of the initial, or consonantal, y..
Accenting :: Accenting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Accen.
Accentuation :: Accentuation (n.) Act of accentuating; applications of accent.
Anacrusis :: Anacrusis (n.) A prefix of one or two unaccented syllables to a verse properly beginning with an accented syllable.
Prosody :: Prosody (n.) That part of grammar which treats of the quantity of syllables, of accent, and of the laws of versification or metrical composition..
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