Definition of mete

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Mete (a.) To find the quantity, dimensions, or capacity of, by any rule or standard; to measure..

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A :: A () An expletive, void of sense, to fill up the meter.
Kilogrammeter :: Kilogrammeter (n.) Alt. of Kilogrammetr.
Dyne :: Dyne (n.) The unit of force, in the C. G. S. (Centimeter Gram Second) system of physical units; that is, the force which, acting on a gram for a second, generates a velocity of a centimeter per second..
Pulsometer :: Pulsometer (n.) A device, with valves, for raising water by steam, partly by atmospheric pressure, and partly by the direct action of the steam on the water, without the intervention of a piston; -- also called vacuum pump..
Anthracometer :: Anthracometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the amount of carbonic acid in a mixture.
Integrate :: Integrate (v. t.) To indicate the whole of; to give the sum or total of; as, an integrating anemometer, one that indicates or registers the entire action of the wind in a given time..
Harmonometer :: Harmonometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the harmonic relations of sounds. It is often a monochord furnished with movable bridges.
Colorimeter :: Colorimeter (n.) An instrument for measuring the depth of the color of anything, especially of a liquid, by comparison with a standard liquid..
Telodynamic :: Telodynamic (a.) Relating to a system for transmitting power to a distance by means of swiftly moving ropes or cables driving grooved pulleys of large diameter.
Aethrioscope :: Aethrioscope (n.) An instrument consisting in part of a differential thermometer. It is used for measuring changes of temperature produced by different conditions of the sky, as when clear or clouded..
Pitot''s Tube :: Pitot's tube () A bent tube used to determine the velocity of running water, by placing the curved end under water, and observing the height to which the fluid rises in the tube; a kind of current meter..
Eudiometer :: Eudiometer (n.) An instrument for the volumetric measurement of gases; -- so named because frequently used to determine the purity of the air.
Lucimeter :: Lucimeter (n.) an instrument for measuring the intensity of light; a photometer.
Volumeter :: Volumeter (n.) An instrument for measuring the volumes of gases or liquids by introducing them into a vessel of known capacity.
Meterage :: Meterage (n.) The act of measuring, or the cost of measuring..
Atmo :: Atmo (n.) The standard atmospheric pressure used in certain physical measurements calculations; conventionally, that pressure under which the barometer stands at 760 millimeters, at a temperature of 0� Centigrade, at the level of the sea, and in the latitude of Paris..
Hygrometer :: Hygrometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the degree of moisture of the atmosphere.
Sensitive :: Sensitive (a.) Having a capacity of being easily affected or moved; as, a sensitive thermometer; sensitive scales..
Unicursal :: Unicursal (a.) That can be passed over in a single course; -- said of a curve when the coordinates of the point on the curve can be expressed as rational algebraic functions of a single parameter /.
Hair''sbreadth :: Hair'sbreadth () The diameter or breadth of a hair; a very small distance; sometimes, definitely, the forty-eighth part of an inch..
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