Definition of memorial

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Memorial (n.) Anything intended to preserve the memory of a person or event; something which serves to keep something else in remembrance; a monument.

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Memorialize :: Memorialize (v. t.) To address or petition by a memorial; to present a memorial to; as, to memorialize the legislature..
Trophy :: Trophy (n.) Any evidence or memorial of victory or conquest; as, every redeemed soul is a trophy of grace..
Tradition :: Tradition (n.) Hence, that which is transmitted orally from father to son, or from ancestors to posterity; knowledge or belief transmitted without the aid of written memorials; custom or practice long observed..
Memorial :: Memorial (n.) Anything intended to preserve the memory of a person or event; something which serves to keep something else in remembrance; a monument.
Memorial :: Memorial (n.) A species of informal state paper, much used in negotiation..
Memoirs :: Memoirs (n.) A memorial of any individual; a biography; often, a biography written without special regard to method and completeness..
Monument :: Monument (n.) A building, pillar, stone, or the like, erected to preserve the remembrance of a person, event, action, etc.; as, the Washington monument; the Bunker Hill monument. Also, a tomb, with memorial inscriptions..
Memoirs :: Memoirs (n.) A memorial account; a history composed from personal experience and memory; an account of transactions or events (usually written in familiar style) as they are remembered by the writer. See History, 2..
Immemorially :: Immemorially (adv.) Beyond memory.
Memorial :: Memorial (n.) A written representation of facts, addressed to the government, or to some branch of it, or to a society, etc., -- often accompanied with a petition..
Memorial :: Memorial (a.) Serving to preserve remembrance; commemorative; as, a memorial building..
Relic :: Relic (n.) Hence, a memorial; anything preserved in remembrance; as, relics of youthful days or friendships..
Plaint :: Plaint (n.) A private memorial tendered to a court, in which a person sets forth his cause of action; the exhibiting of an action in writing..
Medallion :: Medallion (n.) A large medal or memorial coin.
Prayer :: Prayer (v. i.) The act of praying, or of asking a favor; earnest request or entreaty; hence, a petition or memorial addressed to a court or a legislative body..
Token :: Token (n.) A memorial of friendship; something by which the friendship of another person is to be kept in mind; a memento; a souvenir.
Memory :: Memory (n.) A memorial.
Prescriptive :: Prescriptive (a.) Consisting in, or acquired by, immemorial or long-continued use and enjoyment; as, a prescriptive right of title; pleading the continuance and authority of long custom..
Memorialized :: Memorialized (imp. & p. p.) of Memorializ.
Transmit :: Transmit (v. t.) To cause to pass over or through; to communicate by sending; to send from one person or place to another; to pass on or down as by inheritance; as, to transmit a memorial; to transmit dispatches; to transmit money, or bills of exchange, from one country to another..
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