Definition of measure

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Measure (n.) Undefined quantity; extent; degree.

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Statutably :: Statutable (a.) Made or being in conformity to statute; standard; as, statutable measures..
Caucus :: Caucus (n.) A meeting, especially a preliminary meeting, of persons belonging to a party, to nominate candidates for public office, or to select delegates to a nominating convention, or to confer regarding measures of party policy; a political primary meeting..
Odometry :: Odometry (n.) Measurement of distances by the odometer.
Remonstrate :: Remonstrate (v. i.) To present and urge reasons in opposition to an act, measure, or any course of proceedings; to expostulate; as, to remonstrate with a person regarding his habits; to remonstrate against proposed taxation..
Bigha :: Bigha (n.) A measure of land in India, varying from a third of an acre to an acre..
Mismeasurement :: Mismeasurement (n.) Wrong measurement.
Measure :: Measure (n.) The group or grouping of beats, caused by the regular recurrence of accented beats..
Poem :: Poem (n.) A metrical composition; a composition in verse written in certain measures, whether in blank verse or in rhyme, and characterized by imagination and poetic diction; -- contradistinguished from prose; as, the poems of Homer or of Milton..
Resumptive :: Resumptive (a.) Taking back; resuming, or tending toward resumption; as, resumptive measures..
Abolitionism :: Abolitionism (n.) The principles or measures of abolitionists.
Sealer :: Sealer (n.) One who seals; especially, an officer whose duty it is to seal writs or instruments, to stamp weights and measures, or the like..
Pedometrical :: Pedometrical (a.) Pertaining to, or measured by, a pedometer..
Yojan :: Yojan (n.) A measure of distance, varying from four to ten miles, but usually about five..
Monostrophic :: Monostrophic (a.) Having one strophe only; not varied in measure; written in unvaried measure.
Anthropometry :: Anthropometry (n.) Measurement of the height and other dimensions of human beings, especially at different ages, or in different races, occupations, etc..
Dynamometrical :: Dynamometrical (a.) Relating to a dynamometer, or to the measurement of force doing work; as, dynamometrical instruments..
Cambistry :: Cambistry (n.) The science of exchange, weight, measures, etc..
Cadrans :: Cadrans (n.) An instrument with a graduated disk by means of which the angles of gems are measured in the process of cutting and polishing.
Hectostere :: Hectostere (n.) A measure of solidity, containing one hundred cubic meters, and equivalent to 3531.66 English or 3531.05 United States cubic feet..
Shrinkage :: Shrinkage (n.) The act of shrinking; a contraction into less bulk or measurement.
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