Definition of mean

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of mean is as below...

Mean (n.) That which is mean, or intermediate, between two extremes of place, time, or number; the middle point or place; middle rate or degree; mediocrity; medium; absence of extremes or excess; moderation; measure..

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Water Carriage :: Water carriage () Transportation or conveyance by water; means of transporting by water.
Slipper :: Slipper (n.) A piece, usually a plate, applied to a sliding piece, to receive wear and afford a means of adjustment; -- also called shoe, and gib..
Drivel :: Drivel (n.) Inarticulate or unmeaning utterance; foolish talk; babble.
Electro-telegraphic :: Electro-telegraphic (a.) Pertaining to the electric telegraph, or by means of it..
Surgy :: Surgically (adv.) By means of surgery.
Channel :: Channel (n.) That through which anything passes; means of passing, conveying, or transmitting; as, the news was conveyed to us by different channels..
Piteous :: Piteous (a.) Paltry; mean; pitiful.
Whiles :: Whiles (n.) Meanwhile; meantime.
Colugo :: Colugo (n.) A peculiar East Indian mammal (Galleopithecus volans), having along the sides, connecting the fore and hind limbs, a parachutelike membrane, by means of which it is able to make long leaps, like the flying squirrel; -- called also flying lemur..
Drain :: Drain (n.) That means of which anything is drained; a channel; a trench; a water course; a sewer; a sink.
Sustentacle :: Sustenance (n.) That which supports life; food; victuals; provisions; means of living; as, the city has ample sustenance..
Definition :: Definition (n.) Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification; a description of a thing by its properties; an explanation of the meaning of a word or term; as, the definition of circle; the definition of wit; an exact definition; a loose definition..
Calorifere :: Calorifere (n.) An apparatus for conveying and distributing heat, especially by means of hot water circulating in tubes..
Pyroelectricity :: Pyroelectricity (n.) Electricity developed by means of heat; the science which treats of electricity thus developed.
Need :: Need (n.) Want of the means of subsistence; poverty; indigence; destitution.
Ablative :: Ablative (a.) Applied to one of the cases of the noun in Latin and some other languages, -- the fundamental meaning of the case being removal, separation, or taking away..
Imprint :: Imprint (v. t.) To stamp or mark, as letters on paper, by means of type, plates, stamps, or the like; to print the mark (figures, letters, etc., upon something)..
Coistril :: Coistril (n.) A mean, paltry fellow; a coward..
Cissoid :: Cissoid (n.) A curve invented by Diocles, for the purpose of solving two celebrated problems of the higher geometry; viz., to trisect a plane angle, and to construct two geometrical means between two given straight lines..
Fish :: Fish (v. i.) To attempt to catch fish; to be employed in taking fish, by any means, as by angling or drawing a net..
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