Definition of mass

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Mass (n.) The portions of the Mass usually set to music, considered as a musical composition; -- namely, the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Credo, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei, besides sometimes an Offertory and the Benedictus..

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Massiness :: Massiness (n.) The state or quality of being massy; ponderousness.
Counterbalance :: Counterbalance (n.) A mass of metal in one side of a driving wheel or fly wheel, to balance the weight of a crank pin, etc., on the opposite side of the wheel.
Boltonite :: Boltonite (n.) A granular mineral of a grayish or yellowish color, found in Bolton, Massachusetts. It is a silicate of magnesium, belonging to the chrysolite family..
Imagery :: Imagery (n.) The work of one who makes images or visible representation of objects; imitation work; images in general, or in mass..
Clumpy :: Clumpy (n.) Composed of clumps; massive; shapeless.
Cake :: Cake (v. i.) To concrete or consolidate into a hard mass, as dough in an oven; to coagulate..
Ambrite :: Ambrite (n.) A fossil resin occurring in large masses in New Zealand.
Rosolic :: Rosolic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a complex red dyestuff (called rosolic acid) which is analogous to rosaniline and aurin. It is produced by oxidizing a mixture of phenol and cresol, as a dark red amorphous mass, C20H16O3, which forms weak salts with bases, and stable ones with acids. Called also methyl aurin, and, formerly, corallin..
Kneadable :: Kneadable (a.) That may be kneaded; capable of being worked into a mass.
Culm :: Culm (n.) Mineral coal that is not bituminous; anthracite, especially when found in small masses..
Cerite :: Cerite (n.) A mineral of a brownish of cherry-red color, commonly massive. It is a hydrous silicate of cerium and allied metals..
Massacred :: Massacred (imp. & p. p.) of Massacr.
Candy :: Candy (v. t.) To make sugar crystals of or in; to form into a mass resembling candy; as, to candy sirup..
Stabber :: Stabat Mater () A celebrated Latin hymn, beginning with these words, commemorating the sorrows of the mother of our Lord at the foot of the cross. It is read in the Mass of the Sorrows of the Virgin Mary, and is sung by Catholics when making the way of the cross (Via Crucis). See Station, 7 (c)..
Tump :: Tump (v. t.) To form a mass of earth or a hillock about; as, to tump teasel..
Volume :: Volume (n.) Dimensions; compass; space occupied, as measured by cubic units, that is, cubic inches, feet, yards, etc.; mass; bulk; as, the volume of an elephant's body; a volume of gas..
Formation :: Formation (n.) Mineral deposits and rock masses designated with reference to their origin; as, the siliceous formation about geysers; alluvial formations; marine formations..
Masticot :: Masticot (n.) Massicot.
Leaven :: Leaven (n.) Any substance that produces, or is designed to produce, fermentation, as in dough or liquids; esp., a portion of fermenting dough, which, mixed with a larger quantity of dough, produces a general change in the mass, and renders it light; yeast; barm..
Loop :: Loop (n.) A mass of iron in a pasty condition gathered into a ball for the tilt hammer or rolls.
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