Definition of manure

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Manure (v. t.) To cultivate by manual labor; to till; hence, to develop by culture..

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Muck :: Muck (n.) Dung in a moist state; manure.
Dressing :: Dressing (n.) Manure or compost over land. When it remains on the surface, it is called a top-dressing..
Tath :: Tath (v. t.) To manure (land) by pasturing cattle on it, or causing them to lie upon it..
Manure :: Manure (n.) Any matter which makes land productive; a fertilizing substance, as the contents of stables and barnyards, dung, decaying animal or vegetable substances, etc..
Manure :: Manure (v. t.) To cultivate by manual labor; to till; hence, to develop by culture..
Heat :: Heat (v. i.) To grow warm or hot by fermentation, or the development of heat by chemical action; as, green hay heats in a mow, and manure in the dunghill..
Good :: Good (v. t.) To manure; to improve.
Chalk :: Chalk (v. t.) To manure with chalk, as land..
Immovable :: Immovable (n.) Lands and things adherent thereto by nature, as trees; by the hand of man, as buildings and their accessories; by their destination, as seeds, plants, manure, etc.; or by the objects to which they are applied, as servitudes..
Urinarium :: Urinarium (n.) A reservoir for urine, etc., for manure..
Utility :: Utility (n.) The quality or state of being useful; usefulness; production of good; profitableness to some valuable end; as, the utility of manure upon land; the utility of the sciences; the utility of medicines..
Muckworm :: Muckworm (n.) A larva or grub that lives in muck or manure; -- applied to the larvae of the tumbledung and allied beetles.
Infield :: Infield (n.) Arable and manured land kept continually under crop; -- distinguished from outfield.
Hotbed :: Hotbed (n.) A bed of earth heated by fermenting manure or other substances, and covered with glass, intended for raising early plants, or for nourishing exotics..
Manuring :: Manuring (n.) The act of process of applying manure; also, the manure applied..
Top-dressing :: Top-dressing (n.) The act of applying a dressing of manure to the surface of land; also, manure so applied..
Marl :: Marl (n.) To overspread or manure with marl; as, to marl a field..
Enrich :: Enrich (v. t.) To make rich with manure; to fertilize; -- said of the soil; as, to enrich land by irrigation..
Clay :: Clay (v. t.) To cover or manure with clay.
Compost :: Compost (v. t.) To manure with compost.
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