Definition of artless

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of artless is as below...

Artless (a.) Wanting art, knowledge, or skill; ignorant; unskillful..

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Artless :: Artless (a.) Contrived without skill or art; inartistic.
Heartless :: Heartless (a.) Destitute of feeling or affection; unsympathetic; cruel.
Girlish :: Girlish (a.) Like, or characteristic of, a girl; of or pertaining to girlhood; innocent; artless; immature; weak; as, girlish ways; girlish grief..
Downright :: Downright (a.) Open; artless; undisguised; absolute; unmixed; as, downright atheism..
Heartless :: Heartless (a.) Without a heart.
Incony :: Incony (a.) Unlearned; artless; pretty; delicate.
Inartificial :: Inartificial (a.) Not artificial; not made or elaborated by art; natural; simple; artless; as, an inartificial argument; an inartificial character..
Rustic :: Rustic (n.) A rural person having a natural simplicity of character or manners; an artless, unaffected person..
Unartful :: Unartful (a.) Lacking art or skill; artless.
Croon :: Croon (n.) A low singing; a plain, artless melody..
Rustic :: Rustic (a.) Simple; artless; unadorned; unaffected.
Idyl :: Idyl (n.) A short poem; properly, a short pastoral poem; as, the idyls of Theocritus; also, any poem, especially a narrative or descriptive poem, written in an eleveted and highly finished style; also, by extension, any artless and easily flowing description, either in poetry or prose, of simple, rustic life, of pastoral scenes, and the like..
Rusticity :: Rusticity (n.) The quality or state of being rustic; rustic manners; rudeness; simplicity; artlessness.
Plain-dealing :: Plain-dealing (a.) Practicing plain dealing; artless. See Plain dealing, under Dealing..
Heartless :: Heartless (a.) Destitute of courage; spiritless; despodent.
Chartless :: Chartless (a.) Not mapped; uncharted; vague.
Innocence :: Innocence (n.) Simplicity or plainness, bordering on weakness or silliness; artlessness; ingenuousness..
Naive :: Naive (a.) Having native or unaffected simplicity; ingenuous; artless; frank; as, naive manners; a naive person; naive and unsophisticated remarks..
Ingenuously :: Ingenuously (adv.) In an ingenuous manner; openly; fairly; candidly; artlessly.
Wartless :: Wartless (a.) Having no wart.
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