Definition of art

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Art (n.) Skillful plan; device.

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Thunderstrike :: Thunderstrike (v. t.) To astonish, or strike dumb, as with something terrible; -- rarely used except in the past participle..
Sleepwaking :: Sleepwaking (n.) The state of one mesmerized, or in a partial and morbid sleep..
Biscuit :: Biscuit (n.) Earthen ware or porcelain which has undergone the first baking, before it is subjected to the glazing..
Leveling :: Leveling (n.) The art or operation of using a leveling instrument for finding a horizontal line, for ascertaining the differences of level between different points of the earth's surface included in a survey, for establishing grades, etc., as in finding the descent of a river, or locating a line of railroad..
Insurrectionist :: Insurrectionist (n.) One who favors, or takes part in, insurrection; an insurgent..
Myrrh :: Myrrh (n.) A gum resin, usually of a yellowish brown or amber color, of an aromatic odor, and a bitter, slightly pungent taste. It is valued for its odor and for its medicinal properties. It exudes from the bark of a shrub of Abyssinia and Arabia, the Balsamodendron Myrrha. The myrrh of the Bible is supposed to have been partly the gum above named, and partly the exudation of species of Cistus, or rockrose..
Earthy :: Earthy (a.) Without luster, or dull and roughish to the touch; as, an earthy fracture..
Footing :: Footing (n.) The finer refuse part of whale blubber, not wholly deprived of oil..
Low-churchism :: Low-churchism (n.) The principles of the low-church party.
Moderate :: Moderate (a.) Not extreme in opinion, in partisanship, and the like; as, a moderate Calvinist..
Back :: Back (v. i.) To change from one quarter to another by a course opposite to that of the sun; -- used of the wind.
Cocoonery :: Cocoonery (n.) A building or apartment for silkworms, when feeding and forming cocoons..
Taboo :: Taboo (v. t.) To put under taboo; to forbid, or to forbid the use of; to interdict approach to, or use of; as, to taboo the ground set apart as a sanctuary for criminals..
Gerontes :: Gerontes (n. pl.) Magistrates in Sparta, who with the ephori and kings, constituted the supreme civil authority..
Rete :: Rete (n.) A net or network; a plexus; particularly, a network of blood vessels or nerves, or a part resembling a network..
Topology :: Topology (n.) The art of, or method for, assisting the memory by associating the thing or subject to be remembered with some place..
Pickle :: Pickle (v. t.) Any article of food which has been preserved in brine or in vinegar.
Wave :: Wave (v. i.) An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest; an undulation..
Smack :: Smack (v. i.) A quick, smart blow; a slap..
Septulum :: Septulum (n.) A little septum; a division between small cavities or parts.
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