Definition of art

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Art (n.) Skill, dexterity, or the power of performing certain actions, acquired by experience, study, or observation; knack; as, a man has the art of managing his business to advantage..

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Screen :: Screen (n.) A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, or the like..
Decompound :: Decompound (v. t.) To reduce to constituent parts; to decompose.
Warbler :: Warbler (n.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly musical..
Disintegrate :: Disintegrate (v. i.) To decompose into integrant parts; as, chalk rapidly disintegrates..
Solid :: Solid (n.) A magnitude which has length, breadth, and thickness; a part of space bounded on all sides..
Horsemanship :: Horsemanship (n.) The act or art of riding, and of training and managing horses; manege..
Insinuate :: Insinuate (v. t.) To push or work (one's self), as into favor; to introduce by slow, gentle, or artful means; to ingratiate; -- used reflexively..
Center :: Center (n.) A point equally distant from the extremities of a line, figure, or body, or from all parts of the circumference of a circle; the middle point or place..
Surfaced :: Surface (n.) That part of the side which is terminated by the flank prolonged, and the angle of the nearest bastion..
Farewell :: Farewell (interj.) Go well; good-by; adieu; -- originally applied to a person departing, but by custom now applied both to those who depart and those who remain. It is often separated by the pronoun; as, fare you well; and is sometimes used as an expression of separation only; as, farewell the year; farewell, ye sweet groves; that is, I bid you farewell..
Seismograph :: Seismograph (n.) An apparatus for registering the shocks and undulatory motions of earthquakes.
Drift :: Drift (n.) A collection of loose earth and rocks, or boulders, which have been distributed over large portions of the earth's surface, especially in latitudes north of forty degrees, by the agency of ice..
Kirmess :: Kirmess (n.) In Europe, particularly in Belgium and Holland, and outdoor festival and fair; in the United States, generally an indoor entertainment and fair combined..
Salt Rheum :: Salt rheum () A popular name, esp. in the United States, for various cutaneous eruptions, particularly for those of eczema. See Eczema..
Snag :: Snag (v. t.) To injure or destroy, as a steamboat or other vessel, by a snag, or projecting part of a sunken tree..
Pehlevi :: Pehlevi (n.) An ancient Persian dialect in which words were partly represented by their Semitic equivalents. It was in use from the 3d century (and perhaps earlier) to the middle of the 7th century, and later in religious writings..
Particularization :: Particularization (n.) The act of particularizing.
Presbytery :: Presbytery (n.) That part of the church reserved for the officiating priest.
Conversion :: Conversion (n.) A spiritual and moral change attending a change of belief with conviction; a change of heart; a change from the service of the world to the service of God; a change of the ruling disposition of the soul, involving a transformation of the outward life..
Cracowes :: Cracowes (n. pl.) Long-toed boots or shoes formerly worn in many parts of Europe; -- so called from Cracow, in Poland, where they were first worn in the fourteenth century..
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