Definition of location

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Location (n.) The marking out of the boundaries, or identifying the place or site of, a piece of land, according to the description given in an entry, plan, map, etc..

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Location :: Location (n.) The act or process of locating.
Submammary :: Subluxation (n.) An incomplete or partial dislocation.
Locale :: Locale (n.) A place, spot, or location..
Bilocation :: Bilocation (n.) Double location; the state or power of being in two places at the same instant; -- a miraculous power attributed to some of the saints.
Heave :: Heave (n.) A horizontal dislocation in a metallic lode, taking place at an intersection with another lode..
Relocation :: Relocation (n.) A second location.
Luz :: Luz (n.) A bone of the human body which was supposed by certain Rabbinical writers to be indestructible. Its location was a matter of dispute.
Hitch :: Hitch (n.) A small dislocation of a bed or vein.
Tag :: Tag (n.) A sale of usually used items (such as furniture, clothing, household items or bric-a-brac), conducted by one or a small group of individuals, at a location which is not a normal retail establishment..
Subcordate :: Subcoracoid (a.) Situated under the coracoid process of the scapula; as, the subcoracoid dislocation of the humerus..
Reconnaissance :: Reconnaissance (n.) An examination of a region as to its general natural features, preparatory to a more particular survey for the purposes of triangulation, or of determining the location of a public work..
Location :: Location (n.) A contract for the use of a thing, or service of a person, for hire..
Quarter :: Quarter (v. t.) Proper station; specific place; assigned position; special location.
Translocation :: Translocation (n.) removal of things from one place to another; substitution of one thing for another.
Dislocation :: Dislocation (n.) The displacement of parts of rocks or portions of strata from the situation which they originally occupied. Slips, faults, and the like, are dislocations..
Location :: Location (n.) A leasing on rent.
Slide :: Slide (n.) A small dislocation in beds of rock along a line of fissure.
Substance :: Subspinous (a.) Situated beneath a spinous process, as that of the scapula; as, subspinous dislocation of the humerus..
Elocation :: Elocation (n.) Departure from the usual state; an ecstasy.
Exarticulation :: Exarticulation (n.) Luxation; the dislocation of a joint.
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