Definition of live

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Live (v. i.) To be alive; to have life; to have, as an animal or a plant, the capacity of assimilating matter as food, and to be dependent on such assimilation for a continuance of existence; as, animals and plants that live to a great age are long in reaching maturity..

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Bolero :: Bolero (n.) A Spanish dance, or the lively music which accompanies it..
Hagiologist :: Hagiologist (n.) One who treats of the sacred writings; a writer of the lives of the saints; a hagiographer.
Biliverdin :: Biliverdin (n.) A green pigment present in the bile, formed from bilirubin by oxidation..
Roundelay :: Roundelay (n.) A tune in which a simple strain is often repeated; a simple rural strain which is short and lively.
Trip :: Trip (n.) A quick, light step; a lively movement of the feet; a skip..
Spank :: Spank (v. i.) To move with a quick, lively step between a trot and gallop; to move quickly..
Deprecate :: Deprecate (v. t.) To pray against, as an evil; to seek to avert by prayer; to desire the removal of; to seek deliverance from; to express deep regret for; to disapprove of strongly..
Mushroom :: Mushroom (a.) Resembling mushrooms in rapidity of growth and shortness of duration; short-lived; ephemerial; as, mushroom cities..
Deliver :: Deliver (v. t.) To set free from restraint; to set at liberty; to release; to liberate, as from control; to give up; to free; to save; to rescue from evil actual or feared; -- often with from or out of; as, to deliver one from captivity, or from fear of death..
Liverymen :: Liverymen (pl. ) of Liveryma.
Serve :: Serve (v. i.) To lead off in delivering the ball.
Elizabethan :: Elizabethan (n.) One who lived in England in the time of Queen Elizabeth.
Orpine :: Orpine (n.) A low plant with fleshy leaves (Sedum telephium), having clusters of purple flowers. It is found on dry, sandy places, and on old walls, in England, and has become naturalized in America. Called also stonecrop, and live-forever..
Vivacity :: Vivacity (n.) Life; animation; spiritedness; liveliness; sprightliness; as, the vivacity of a discourse; a lady of great vivacity; vivacity of countenance..
Refreshment :: Refreshment (n.) The act of refreshing, or the state of being refreshed; restoration of strength, spirit, vigor, or liveliness; relief after suffering; new life or animation after depression..
Acclive :: Acclive (a.) Acclivous.
Stump :: Stump (v. t.) To travel over, delivering speeches for electioneering purposes; as, to stump a State, or a district. See To go on the stump, under Stump, n..
Laputan :: Laputan (a.) Of or pertaining to Laputa, an imaginary flying island described in Gulliver's Travels as the home of chimerical philosophers. Hence, fanciful; preposterous; absurd in science or philosophy..
Brigand :: Brigand (n.) A lawless fellow who lives by plunder; one of a band of robbers; especially, one of a gang living in mountain retreats; a highwayman; a freebooter..
Brighten :: Brighten (a.) To make acute or witty; to enliven.
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