Definition of limber

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Limber (n.) Gutters or conduits on each side of the keelson to afford a passage for water to the pump well.

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Cobaea :: Cobaea (n.) A genus of climbing plants, native of Mexico and South America. C. scandens is a conservatory climber with large bell-shaped flowers..
Marsdenia :: Marsdenia (n.) A genus of plants of the Milkweed family, mostly woody climbers with fragrant flowers, several species of which furnish valuable fiber, and one species (Marsdenia tinctoria) affords indigo..
Betel :: Betel (n.) A species of pepper (Piper betle), the leaves of which are chewed, with the areca or betel nut and a little shell lime, by the inhabitants of the East Indies. It is a woody climber with ovate many-nerved leaves..
Pliable :: Pliable (v.) Capable of being plied, turned, or bent; easy to be bent; flexible; pliant; supple; limber; yielding; as, willow is a pliable plant..
Climber :: Climber (v. i.) To climb; to mount with effort; to clamber.
Pepper :: Pepper (n.) The plant which yields pepper, an East Indian woody climber (Piper nigrum), with ovate leaves and apetalous flowers in spikes opposite the leaves. The berries are red when ripe. Also, by extension, any one of the several hundred species of the genus Piper, widely dispersed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the earth..
Limber :: Limber (v. t.) To attach to the limber; as, to limber a gun..
Nicker Nut :: Nicker nut () A rounded seed, rather smaller than a nutmeg, having a hard smooth shell, and a yellowish or bluish color. The seeds grow in the prickly pods of tropical, woody climbers of the genus Caesalpinia. C. Bonduc has yellowish seeds; C. Bonducella, bluish gray..
Limber :: Limber (v. t.) To cause to become limber; to make flexible or pliant.
Limber :: Limber (n.) Gutters or conduits on each side of the keelson to afford a passage for water to the pump well.
Prolonge :: Prolonge (n.) A rope with a hook and a toggle, sometimes used to drag a gun carriage or to lash it to the limber, and for various other purposes..
Unlimber :: Unlimber (v. t.) To detach the limber from; as, to unlimber a gun..
Lithesome :: Lithesome (a.) Pliant; limber; flexible; supple; nimble; lissom.
Guarana :: Guarana (n.) A preparation from the seeds of Paullinia sorbilis, a woody climber of Brazil, used in making an astringent drink, and also in the cure of headache..
Clematis :: Clematis (n.) A genus of flowering plants, of many species, mostly climbers, having feathery styles, which greatly enlarge in the fruit; -- called also virgin's bower..
Limber :: Limber (n.) The detachable fore part of a gun carriage, consisting of two wheels, an axle, and a shaft to which the horses are attached. On top is an ammunition box upon which the cannoneers sit..
Flaggy :: Flaggy (a.) Weak; flexible; limber.
Caisson :: Caisson (n.) A four-wheeled carriage for conveying ammunition, consisting of two parts, a body and a limber. In light field batteries there is one caisson to each piece, having two ammunition boxes on the body, and one on the limber..
Flagginess :: Flagginess (n.) The condition of being flaggy; laxity; limberness.
Supple-jack :: Supple-chapped (a.) Having a limber tongue.
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