Definition of light

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Light (v. i.) To come down suddenly and forcibly; to fall; -- with on or upon.

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Radious :: Radious (a.) Consisting of rays, as light..
Moonglade :: Moonglade (n.) The bright reflection of the moon's light on an expanse of water.
Light :: Light (n.) To attend or conduct with a light; to show the way to by means of a light.
Bolis :: Bolis (n.) A meteor or brilliant shooting star, followed by a train of light or sparks; esp. one which explodes..
Delightful :: Delightful (a.) Highly pleasing; affording great pleasure and satisfaction.
Phototonus :: Phototonus (n.) A motile condition in plants resulting from exposure to light.
Rusk :: Rusk (n.) A kind of light, hard cake or bread, as for stores..
Sunned :: Sun (n.) That which resembles the sun, as in splendor or importance; any source of light, warmth, or animation..
Instruct :: Instruct (a.) Instructed; taught; enlightened.
Firework :: Firework (n.) A device for producing a striking display of light, or a figure or figures in plain or colored fire, by the combustion of materials that burn in some peculiar manner, as gunpowder, sulphur, metallic filings, and various salts. The most common feature of fireworks is a paper or pasteboard tube filled with the combustible material. A number of these tubes or cases are often combined so as to make, when kindled, a great variety of figures in fire, often variously colored. The skyrocke
Visite :: Visite (n.) A light cape or short cloak of silk or lace worn by women in summer.
Shatter :: Shatter (v. t.) To break at once into many pieces; to dash, burst, or part violently into fragments; to rend into splinters; as, an explosion shatters a rock or a bomb; too much steam shatters a boiler; an oak is shattered by lightning..
Flare :: Flare (n.) An unsteady, broad, offensive light..
Droplight :: Droplight (n.) An apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk; a pendant.
Succinimide :: Succinic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, amber; specif., designating a dibasic acid, C/H/.(CO/H)/, first obtained by the dry distillation of amber. It is found in a number of plants, as in lettuce and wormwood, and is also produced artificially as a white crystalline substance having a slightly acid taste..
Paddlewood :: Paddlewood (n.) The light elastic wood of the Aspidosperma excelsum, a tree of Guiana having a fluted trunk readily split into planks..
Light :: Light (superl.) Indulging in, or inclined to, levity; wanting dignity or solemnity; trifling; gay; frivolous; airy; unsubstantial..
Chlorophane :: Chlorophane (n.) A variety of fluor spar, which, when heated, gives a beautiful emerald green light..
Actinometer :: Actinometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the actinic effect of rays of light.
Relight :: Relight (v. t.) To light or kindle anew.
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