Definition of lief

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Lief (n.) A dear one; a sweetheart.

Lern More About Lief

Naturism :: Naturism (n.) The belief or doctrine that attributes everything to nature as a sanative agent.
Demirelievo :: Demirelievo (n.) Half relief. See Demi-rilievo.
Lief :: Lief (adv.) Willing; disposed.
Latitudinarian :: Latitudinarian (a.) Indifferent to a strict application of any standard of belief or opinion; hence, deviating more or less widely from such standard; lax in doctrine; as, latitudinarian divines; latitudinarian theology..
Belief :: Belief (n.) Assent to a proposition or affirmation, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate personal knowledge; reliance upon word or testimony; partial or full assurance without positive knowledge or absolute certainty; persuasion; conviction; confidence; as, belief of a witness; the belief of our senses..
Demirelief :: Demirelief (n.) Alt. of Demireliev.
Relay :: Relay (n.) A supply of anything arranged beforehand for affording relief from time to time, or at successive stages; provision for successive relief..
Anaglyphical :: Anaglyphical (a.) Pertaining to the art of chasing or embossing in relief; anaglyptic; -- opposed to diaglyptic or sunk work.
Relapse :: Relapse (v. i.) To fall from Christian faith into paganism, heresy, or unbelief; to backslide..
Knotted :: Knotted (a.) Characterized by small, detached points, chiefly composed of mica, less decomposable than the mass of the rock, and forming knots in relief on the weathered surface; as, knotted rocks..
Release :: Release (n.) Relief from care, pain, or any burden..
Progressionist :: Progressionist (n.) One who holds to a belief in the progression of society toward perfection.
Unpersuasion :: Unpersuasion (n.) The state of not being persuaded; disbelief; doubt.
Tradition :: Tradition (n.) Hence, that which is transmitted orally from father to son, or from ancestors to posterity; knowledge or belief transmitted without the aid of written memorials; custom or practice long observed..
Basso-relievo :: Basso-relievo (n.) Same as Bas-relief.
Bitheism :: Bitheism (n.) Belief in the existence of two gods; dualism.
Mezzo-rilievo :: Mezzo-rilievo (n.) A middle degree of relief in figures, between high and low relief..
Bidale :: Bidale (n.) An invitation of friends to drink ale at some poor man's house, and there to contribute in charity for his relief..
Relievable :: Relievable (a.) Capable of being relieved; fitted to recieve relief.
Mezzo-rilievo :: Mezzo-rilievo (n.) Sculpture in this kind of relief. See under Alto-rilievo.
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